[image 00011] iHAI2013ポスター発表募集(5/10〆)

Daisuke Katagami katagami @ cs.t-kougei.ac.jp
2013年 4月 24日 (水) 09:55:23 JST

image-MLの皆様 (重複して受け取られた場合はご容赦ください)





The First International Conference on Human-Agent Interaction (iHAI 2013)
                 Sapporo, Japan, August 7-9, 2013


In recent years anthropomorphic, mechanic and pet-like agents have
spread globally, which allows various types of ordinary end user to
interact with them. Although interaction design for robots and
software agents has been investigated in different research fields,
few studies were done on the subject for various agents in a unified

HAI (Human-Agent Interaction) is a novel research field to investigate
and develop interaction design methods across conventional interactive
platforms including robots, software agents and human-human
communication through digital media. In HAI, mixtures of interactions
of these platforms (human-robot, human-software agent, and human-human
through agents) are studied. We aim to collect ideas of and clarify
the common design policies through these interactions to further
generate and develop HAI design methods based-on knowledge obtained
from state of the art research and studies presented in this conference.

Hence the First International Conference on Human-Agent Interaction
(iHAI 2013) will gather researchers from relevant but diverse fields,
such as human-robot interaction, anthropomorphic agent design and
interface design for the mutual adaptation between agent and human
user, to accelerate the progress of this direction.

Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:
- Design of Human-Agent Interaction/Human-Robot Interaction
- Impact of Embodiment (Differences between Robot and Software Agent)
- Theoretical Model of Human-Agent Interaction
- Robots and Agents That Can Learn From a Human Teacher
- Robots and Agents That Can Make a Human Do Something
- Relationship between Different Interactions
- Experimental Analysis Method
- Agent-mediated Human-Human Communication

<< Important Dates >>

* Paper Submissions
- Deadlines for Submissions: April 12, 2013 (closed)
- Paper Length: 4-8 pages
- Notification of Paper Acceptance: May 17, 2013
- Camera-ready Copies of Accepted Papers: June 7, 2013
- iHAI 2013 Conference: August 7-9, 2013

* Poster Submissions
- Deadlines for Submissions: May 10 (23:59 PST), 2013
- Paper Length: 2-8 pages
- Notification of Paper Acceptance: May 24, 2013
- Camera-ready Copies of Accepted Papers: June 7, 2013
- iHAI 2013 Conference: August 7-9, 2013

<< Submission and Reviewing >>

iHAI 2013 will accept ONLY online submissions of PDF files. Paper
submissions should be limited at least 4 pages but no more than 8 pages
in the JSAI two columns format. Similarly, Poster submissions should
be limited at least 2 pages or more to 8 pages in the same format.
All submissions will be reviewed by the Program Committee on the basis
of technical quality, relevance to HAI, originality, significance,
and clarity.

The reviewing policy is to positively evaluate impact, originality of
the proposed idea rather than insignificant accomplishment, strict
experimental evaluation. Thus position papers, preliminary studies,
and concept papers are also welcome.

Please visit a submission page (http://hai-conference.net/ihai2013/)
at the iHAI 2013 Web site to prepare and submit your papers.

<< Organizing Committee >>

General Co-Chairs:
  Seiji Yamada, National Institute of Informatics
  Tetsuo Ono, Hokkaido University
Program Co-Chairs:
  Michita Imai, Keio University
  Koh Kakusho, Kwansei Gakuin University
Local Organization Co-Chairs:
  Nagisa Munekata, Hokkaido University
  Hirotaka Osawa, University of Tsukuba
Finance Chair:
  Yugo Takeuchi, Shizuoka University
Poster Chair:
  Kazunori Terada, Gifu University
Sponsorship Co-Chairs:
  Natsuki Oka, Kyoto Institute of Technology
  Yoshihiko Murakawa, Fujitsu Lab.
Publicity Chair:
  Daisuke Katagami, Tokyo Polytechnic University
Publications Chair:
  Takanori Komatsu, Meiji University
Web Chair:
  Hirotaka Osawa, University of Tsukuba

Advisory Committee:
  Dong-Soo Kwon, Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology
  Minho Lee, Kyungpook National University
  Takashi Omori, Tamagawa University

Program Committee:
  Aris Alissandrakis, Linnaeus University
  Kai Arras, Albert-Ludwigs-Universitat Freiburg
  Christoph Bartneck, Canterbury University
  Christian Becker-Asano, Albert-Ludwigs-Universitat Freiburg
  Tony Belpaeme, University of Plymouth
  Yutaka Ishii, Okayama Prefectural University
  Masayoshi Kanoh, Chukyo University
  Daisuke Katagami, Tokyo Polytechnic University
  Kheng Lee Koay, University of Hertfordshire
  Takanori Komatsu, Meiji University
  Yukiko Nakano, Seikei University
  Victor Ng-Thow-Hing, Honda Research Institute USA
  Natsuki Oka, Kyoto Institute of Technology
  Hirotaka Osawa, University of Tsukuba
  Motoyuki Ozeki, Kyoto Institute of Technology
  Rui Prada, Technical University of Lisbon
  Helmut Prendinger, National Institute of Informatics
  Matthias Rehm, Aalborg University
  Paolo Remagnino, Kingston University
  Yugo Takeuchi, Shizuoka University
  Kazunori Terada, Gifu University
  Tomoko Yonezawa, Kansai University
  James Young, University of Manitoba
  Kevin Wong, Murdoch University

<< Plenary Talks >>

   Title: “Hatsune Miku” as an Interface (tentative)
   Hiroyuki Itoh, CEO of Crypton Future Media, Inc., Japan

   Title: Human augmented cognition based on intention recognition
   Minho Lee,  Prof. of School of Electronics Engineering, Kyungpook
National University, Korea

   Title: Human-Agent Interaction: What are the problems and how are the
solutions? (tentative)
   Seiji Yamada, Prof. of the National Institute of Informatics,
SOKENDAI, and Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan

For inquiries, please contact ihai2013-inquiry @ ist.hokudai.ac.jp

Daisuke Katagami, Ph.D.
Associate Prof., Tokyo Polytechnic University
E-mail:  katagami @ cs.t-kougei.ac.jp

image メーリングリストの案内