[image 00238] CFP reminder: IEEE PacificVis 2014 (March 4-7, 2014, Yokohama, Japan)
Shigeo Takahashi
shigeo @ k.u-tokyo.ac.jp
2013年 8月 27日 (火) 16:04:07 JST
image-ML の皆様
IEEE PacificVis 2014 のフルペーパー投稿締め切りが一週間前とな
(Asia Pacific Visualization)を母体として,2008年に日本から産
声を上げた IEEE Pacific Visualization Symposium (PacificVis)
予定になっております.PacificVis は現在,VisWeek(米国本土),
論文誌 IEEE TVCG へ拡張版の投稿が推薦されるシステムもありま
Call for Papers
(Apologies for receiving multiple copies)
IEEE PacificVis 2014
Yokohama, Japan, March 4 to 7, 2014
Paper submission deadline: September 2, 2013, 11:59pm (PDT)
PacificVis 2014 is the 7th IEEE sponsored international
visualization symposium in the Asia-Pacific region, with the
objective to foster greater exchange between visualization
researchers and practitioners, and to draw more researchers
in the Asia-Pacific region to enter this rapidly growing
area of research. Past PacificVis symposia were held in
Kyoto, Japan (2008), Beijing, China (2009), Taipei, Taiwan
(2010), Hong Kong, China (2011), Songdo, Korea (2012), and
Sydney, Australia (2013), and all were sponsored by IEEE
VGTC. This time, PacificVis will be back to Japan again and
held in Yokohama from March 4 to 7, 2014.
>From this year 2014, we started a two-stage review process
for the symposium formally, to guarantee the publication of
high-quality papers. This will allow us to invite an
increased number of accepted paper authors to submit a
revised version to the journal IEEE TVCG. The papers should
be original and not previously published. Papers will be
refereed and accepted on the basis of their scientific merit
and relevance to the symposium topics.
Submission URL: https://precisionconference.com/~vgtc/
Papers Format : Original unpublished papers of up to 8 pages
(two-column, single-spaced, 10 point font, including
figures, tables and references) are invited. Manuscripts
must be written in English, and follow the formatting
guidelines here:
Suggested topics include, but are not limited to:
Visualization application areas such as but not limited to:
* statistical graphics and mathematics
* financial, security and business visualization
* physical sciences and engineering
* earth, space, and environmental sciences
* geographic/geospatial/ terrain visualization
* molecular, biomedical, bioinformatics and medical visualization
* text, documents and software visualization
* social, ambient and information sciences
* education and everyday visualization
* multimedia (image/video/music) visualization
* any other non-spatial data or spatial data that is visualized with a new spatial mapping
Data focused visualization research:
* high-dimensional data and dimensionality reduction and data compression
* multidimensional multi-field, multi-modal, multi-resolution and multi-variate data
* causality and uncertainty data
* time series, time varying, streaming and flow data
* scalar, vector and tensor fields
* regular and unstructured grids
* point-based data
* large scale data (petabytes, ...)
Technique focused visualization research:
* volume modeling and rendering
* extraction of surfaces
* topology-based and geometry-based techniques
* glyph-based techniques
* integrating spatial and non-spatial data visualization
* machine-learning approaches
Graph and network visualization research:
* design and experimentation of graph drawing algorithms
* techniques, interfaces and interaction methods for graphs, trees, and other relational data
* visualization of graphs and networks in application areas (e.g., social sciences, biology, geography, software engineering, circuit design, business intelligence)
* interfaces and interaction techniques for graph and network visualizations
* Benchmarks and experimental analysis for graph visualization systems and user interfaces
Interaction focused visualization research:
* icon- and glyph-based
* focus + context
* animation
* zooming and navigation
* linking + brushing
* coordinated multiple views
* view-dependent visualization
* data labeling, editing and annotation
* collaborative, co-located and distributed
* manipulation and deformation
* visual data mining and visual knowledge discovery
Empirical and comprehension focused visualization research
* visual design and aesthetics
* cognition and perception issues
* cognitive studies on graph drawing readability and user interaction
* presentation, dissemination and storytelling
* design studies, case studies and focus groups
* task and requirements analysis
* metrics and benchmarks
* evaluations of all types: qualitative, quantitative, laboratory, field, and usability studies
* validation and verification
* perception theory including such factors as color texture, scene, motion perception, perceptual cognition
System focused visualization research
* novel algorithms and mathematics
* mobile and ubiquitous
* taxonomies and models
* methodologies, discussions and frameworks
* visual design, visualization system and toolkit design
* illustrative visualization
* data warehousing, database visualization and data mining
* collaborative and distributed visualization
* mathematical theories for visualization
Hardware, Display and Interaction Technology
* large and high-res displays
* stereo displays
* mobile and ubiquitous environments
* immersive and virtual environments
* multimodal input (touch, haptics, voice, etc. )
* hardware acceleration
* GPUs and multi-core architectures
* CPU and GPU clusters
* distributed systems, grid and cloud environments
* volume graphics hardware
Should you have any question please don't hesitate
contacting us.
Contact Email: pv2014 @ visual.k.u-tokyo.ac.jp
Symposium Chair:
- Issei Fujishiro, Keio University, Japan
Program Co-Chairs:
- Ulrik Brandes, University of Konstanz, Germany
- Hans Hagen, University of Kaiserslautern, Germany
- Shigeo Takahashi, University of Tokyo, Japan
高橋 成雄
E-mail) takahashis @ acm.org,shigeo @ k.u-tokyo.ac.jp
URL) http://visual.k.u-tokyo.ac.jp/~shigeo/
image メーリングリストの案内