[image 00387] Dr. Tomas Pajdra講演会(12/12)のご案内

Akihiro Sugimoto sugimoto @ nii.ac.jp
2013年 12月 5日 (木) 09:05:43 JST



日時:  2013年12月12日(木) 16:00-17:00
場所:  国立情報学研究所 12F 1208 号室
     Tomas Pajdra
         Center for Machine Perception 
         Department of Cybernetics
         Faculty of Electrical Engineering
         Czech Technical University, Czech Republic
タイトル: 3 EU Projects on Planetary Robotics

Tomas Pajdla is an assistant professor at the Czech Technical University 
Prague. He works in geometry and algebra of computer vision, eye-hand 
calibration, precise digital optical measurements, photogrammetry, robot 
navigation using vision, image matching and object recognition. He 
co-authored works that introduced epipolar geometry of panoramic and 
non-central cameras, investigated the use of omnidirectional images in 
structure from motion and camera pose computation, contributed to studies 
of panoramic mosaics, contributed to solving the image matching and stereo 
correspondence problem, and to algebraic techniques in computer vision 
applied to solving minimal problems. He published more than 50 works in 
scientific journals and refereed conferences and was awarded prizes at 
OAGM 1998, BMVC 2002 and ICCV camera localization contest in 2005. T. 
Pajdla served as a Program Chair of the 8th European Conference on 
Computer Vision 2004 in Prague and is a member of the ECCV Board. He acted 
as an area chair of ICCV 2005, 2009, CVPR 2006, 2007 ACCV 2006, 2007, and 
BMVC 2005-2008 and was a coeditor of a special issue of the International 
Journal on Computer Vision. T. Pajdla received the Outstanding Reviewer 
Award at the CVPR 2009.


image メーリングリストの案内