[image 00146] CfP: HRI 2014, International Conference on Human Robot Interaction 3-6 March 2014, Bielefeld, Germany

Takayuki Kanda kanda @ atr.jp
2013年 6月 25日 (火) 10:07:20 JST



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Call For Papers, Videos, Tutorials/Workshops

9th ACM/IEEE International Conference on Human-Robot Interaction (HRI 2014)


March 3-6, 2013, Bielefeld, Germany

HRI 2014 is the 9th Annual Conference for basic and applied human-robot
interaction research. Researchers from across the world attend and submit
their best work to HRI to exchange ideas about the latest theories,
technology, data, and videos furthering the state-of-the-art in human-robot

Each year, the HRI conference highlights a particular area through a theme.
The theme of HRI 2014 is "(E)merging perspectives". The conference seeks
contributions combining user and system perspectives, to advance new and
possibly unorthodox methodologies. We invite papers on work that
demonstrates the use of novel empirical methods, that integrates empirical
findings into complex robot systems, and that use holistic approaches in
system evaluation.

The HRI Conference is a highly selective annual international conference
that aims to showcase the very best interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary
research in human-robot interaction with roots in robotics, social
psychology, cognitive science, HCI, human factors, artificial intelligence,
engineering, and many more. We invite broad participation.

Important Dates
9 September 2013: Submission of full papers and tutorial/workshop proposals
4 -10 November 2013: Rebuttal Period
27 November 2013: Notification of full paper acceptance
4 December 2013: Submission of late breaking reports, demonstrations and
18 December 2012: Notification of late breaking reports and videos
7  January 2013: Final camera-ready full papers due
12 January 2013: Final camera-ready late breaking reports, and videos due

Full Papers

Authors are invited to submit full paper manuscripts. Eight camera ready
pages, including figures, are allowed for each full paper. Accepted full
papers will be published in the conference proceedings, archived in the ACM
Digital Library and IEEE Xplore, and be presented in an oral session.

To facilitate quality interdisciplinary reviewing, full paper submissions
will be required to be tag their main contribution as "human-centered,"
"technology-centered," or "both." Strong technology-centered papers
contribute novel and sound algorithmic, engineering, or computational
methods that have the potential to improve robot performance when
interacting with actual human users.

Strong human-centered papers contribute experimentally sound and interesting
findings that have the potential to improve robot technology for interacting
with humans with respect to usability, design, and similar topics.

Late Breaking Reports

Authors are encouraged to submit their Late-Breaking Reports in a short
paper format which is limited to two pages. Accepted late breaking reports
will be presented as a poster, and will be published in the conference
proceedings, and archived in the ACM Digital Library and IEEE Xplore.

Video Session

We invite videos related to all aspects of HRI. Besides the importance of
the lessons learned and the novelty of the situation, the entertainment
value will be judged. The video itself must be self-explanatory for the
audience. The videos will be published in the conference proceedings and
archived in the ACM Digital Library and IEEE Xplore.

Tutorials and Workshops

We invite you to organize a workshop or tutorial at the conference. The HRI
2014 theme “(E)Merging Perspectives” highlights the importance to
interweave both system-driven approaches and empirical research. Hence, we
particularly invite workshops and tutorials that promote novel empirical
methods, the integration of empirical findings into complex robot systems,
and systemic approaches to evaluate systems.

Tutorials and workshops will be held on March 03, 2014, one day before the
main technical sessions.

All tutorial and workshop proposals must be submitted to the
tutorial/workshop chairs, Brenna Argall and Marc Hanheide, no later than
September 09, 2013. Please send your proposals to
workshops14 @ humanrobotinteraction.org. The proposals submitted will be
subjected to a review process.  Details about workshops and tutorials at HRI
2014 can be found at

There will be an exhibition site at the conference, and promoters are
encouraged to display state-of-the-art products and services in all areas of
robotics and human-robot interaction.

Topics of interest include:
Collaboration between humans and robots
Social robotics
Mechatronics and robot platforms for HRI
HRI for field and service robots
Robot learning from human guidance and demonstration
User studies of HRI
Art and design for robotics
Robot middleware and software architectures
Lifelike robots
Robot companions
Assistive robotics (autism, healthcare, rehabilitation, aging in place)
Telepresence robots
Robotic navigation and mobile manipulation
Dialog and natural language for HRI
Mixed initiative and sliding autonomy
Privacy and security for real world HRI
Perception and recognition of human actions and activities
Safety and physical interactions between robots and humans
Task allocation and coordination
Metrics and benchmarking for HRI
HRI group dynamics
Multi-modal interaction, perception, and decision making
Long term interaction with robots
Autonomy and trust
Ethnography and field studies
Ethical and societal issues of HRI
Enabling reproducibility and interoperability in robotics

Organizing Committee

General chairs:
Gerhard Sagerer, Bielefeld University, Germany
Michita Imai, Keio University, Japan

Program chairs:
Tony Belpaeme, Plymouth University, UK
Andrea Thomaz, Georgia Tech, USA

Publicity chair:
Vanessa Evers, University of Twente, the Netherlands

Workshop/Tutorials chairs:
Brenna Argall, Northwestern University, USA
Marc Hanheide, University of Lincoln, UK

Late-Breaking Reports chairs:
Cindy Bethel, Mississippi State University, USA
Hagen Lehmann, University of Hertfordshire, UK

Video Session chairs:
Lars Schillingmann, Osaka University, Japan
Anna-Lisa Vollmer, Plymouth University, UK

Panels chairs:
Vanessa Evers, University of Twente, the Netherlands
Maarten Sierhuis, Nissan Research Center, USA

Publication chairs:
Selma Sabanovic, Indiana University, USA
Yukie Nagai, Osaka University, Japan

Finance chairs:
Franz Kummert, Bielefeld University, Germany
Masahiro Shiomi, ATR, Japan

Local Arrangements chairs:
Britta Wrede, Bielefeld University, Germany
Friederike Eyssel, Bielefeld University, Germany

Fundraising and Exhibition Co-Chairs:
Jennifer Burke, The Boeing Company
Daisuke Sakamoto, The University of Tokyo

Design and Web chair:
Frank Hegel, Bielefeld University, Germany

Registration Co-Chairs:
Raquel Ros Espinoza, Imperial College London, UK
Joshua M. Peschel, University of Illinois, USA

Program Committee
Julie Adams, Vanderbilt University, USA; Kai Oliver Arras, Freiburg
University, Germany; Tamim Asfour, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology,
Germany; Cindy Bethell, Mississippi State University, USA; Vanessa Evers,
University of Twente, The Netherlands; Kerstin Fisher, South Denmark
University, Denmark; Guy Hoffman, Interdisciplinary Center Herzliya, Israel;
Takayuki Kanda, ATR, Japan; Tom Kollar, Carnegie Mellon University, USA;
Sonya S. Kwak, Ewha Womans University, South Korea; Bilge Mutlu, University
of Wisconsin-Madison, USA; Katharina Rohlfing, Bielefeld University,
Germany; Yukie Nagai, Osaka University, Japan; Sidd Srinivasa, Carnegie
Mellon University, USA; Selma Sabanovic, Indiana University, USA; Gerhard
Sagerer, Bielefeld University, Germany; Julie Shah, Massachusetts Institute
of Technology, USA; Adriana Tapus, ENSTA-ParisTech, France; Greg Trafton,
Naval Research Laboratory, USA

image メーリングリストの案内