[image 00056] PSIVT2013論文募集(6/15〆切)

Akihiro Sugimoto sugimoto @ nii.ac.jp
2013年 5月 16日 (木) 13:34:38 JST



Please diffuse this Call to all your colleagues who might be interested.


Pacific-Rim Symposium on Image and Video Technology is a biennial 
international symposium for image and
video technology. The 6th PSIVT will be held in Guanajuato, Mexico, as a 
forum for researchers, developers,
artists, educators, performers, and practitioners in the Pacific Rim and 
around the world to present the latest
developments in both theoretical and practical aspects of image and 
video technology, artistic and consumer

Guanajuato is a picturesque old town of the central highlands of Mexico, 
famous for its narrow and steep
streets, its colorfoul houses and colonial-era baroque monuments. It is 
the capital city of the homonymous state,
and seat of the 280-year old University of Guanajuato.

Paper submission deadline: June 15th, 2013
Paper notification of acceptance: August 14th, 2013
Camera ready copy due: Sep 25th, 2013
Workshops and Tutorials:  October 2th and 29th, 2013
Main Conference and demos: October 30th, 31st and
November 1st, 2013


image メーリングリストの案内