[image 00355] CFP of IWCF2014

SAKO, Hiroshi hiroshi.sako.ug @ hosei.ac.jp
2013年 11月 13日 (水) 09:06:18 JST


ワークショップ委員長からの依頼がありましたので以下の国際ワークショップ IWCF 2014のご案内をさせていただきます。このワークショップはComputational Forensics全般に関して議論しています。来年度は、ストックホルムで開催される国際パターン認識連盟(IAPR)の全体会議ICPR2014のサテライトワークシӣ
9;ップとして、IAPR TC-6主催で開催されます。皆様のご投稿をお待ちしてます。

Call for Papers: IWCF 2014 Sixth IAPR International Workshop on 
Computational Forensics (IWCF) August 24, 2014 Stockholm, Sweden
Organized by IAPR Technical Committee (TC-6) on Computational Forensics
Post-Proceedings will be published by Springer as an LNCS volume
* CALL FOR PAPERS * With the advent of high-end technology, fraudulent 
efforts are on rise in many areas of our daily life, may it be fake 
paper documents, forgery in the digital domain or copyright 
infringement. In solving the related criminal cases use of pattern 
recognition (PR) principles is also gaining an important place because 
of their ability in successfully assisting the forensic experts to solve 
many of such cases. The workshops on Computational Forensics generally 
aims at addressing the theoretical and practical issues related to this 
field, i.e. role of PR techniques for analysing problems in forensics.
The 6th International Workshop on Computational Forensics (IWCF) will 
put emphasis on forged document analysis both in hardcopy and digital 
medium. Analysis of handwriting or signature, detection of change in 
original documents, writer/speaker identification and verification and 
copyright violation will be discussed at length. Effort is to bring the 
people together who are working on these issues in different areas 
including document and speech processing, music analysis, digital 
security, forensic sciences, etc. Some broad areas, though not limited 
to, of the workshop are:
 Detection of fake documents
 Authentication of security documents
 Change detection
 Copyright protection
 Encryption and watermarking
 Digital forensics
 Handwriting and Speech analysis
 Face, Palm, and Iris recognition
Like in the previous years, the workshop will be a place for elaborate 
discussion of the academic and industrial works, documenting the 
advances in the related field and creating mutual collaboration on 
related areas. Interaction among practitioners and academic researchers 
will receive special attention in this workshop.
* Paper Submission *
All submissions will be fully peer reviewed. The post-proceedings, which 
will include accepted papers and posters, will be published by Springer 
as an LNCS volume. Full details on the preparation of submissions can be 
found on the conference web site 
* Submission Dates *

Submission site open: January 13, 2014
Paper Submission deadline: March 14, 2014
Notification of acceptance: April 21, 2014
Camera-ready submission and Early-bird registration: May 21, 2014
Submission deadline for post-conference proceedings: October, 2014
* Shared task/competition*

* Organising Committee *
Workshop Chairs: Utpal Garain (Indian Statistical Institute)
Faisal Shafait (The University of Western Australia)
* Program Committee (So far confirmed...) *
Ali Dehghantanha, Malaysia.
Arun Ross, USA.
C.J. Veenman, The Netherlands.
David Doermann, USA.
Hiroshi Sako, Japan.
Jean-Marc Ogier, France.
Josep LLadós, Spain.
Karthik Nandakumar, Singapore.
Katrin Franke, Norway.
Marcus Liwicki, Switzerland.
Massimo Tistarelli, Italy.
Muhammad Imran Malik, Germany.
Rajesh Kumar, India.
Sagur N. Srihari, USA.
Sergio Damas, Spain.
Thomas Walmann, Norway.
Venu Govindaraju, USA.
Yoshinori Akao, Japan.
Zeno Geradts, The Netherlands.


Hiroshi Sako, Ph.D
Professor, Graduate School of Computer and Information Sciences,
Hosei University
Visiting researcher, University of Ulster, UK
Tel: +81-42-387-6273, Fax:+81-42-387-4560
Email:hiroshi.sako.ug @ hosei.ac.jp
(From Mouse-PC, Home)

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