[image 00597] CALL FOR PAPERS:JRM特集号「Vision and Motion Control」
saru @ eng.kagawa-u.ac.jp
2014年 4月 28日 (月) 16:05:24 JST
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英文誌Journal of Robotics and Mechatronics(JRM)では「Vision and Motion Contro」
Journal of Robotics and Mechatronics
Special Issue on “Vision and Motion Control”
Vol. 27, No. 2, April 2015, Fuji Technology Press, Japan
Recently, the environment recognition and the motion control based on
dynamic image information can be done in high-speed and high accuracy.
Especially, for the security system by using recognition of human, and
the autonomous movement system such as the biped walking robot or the
mobile robot, by applying dynamic image processing, the accuracy improvement
of system and the stabilization of system were attained, and further the
spread of its application is shown to the actual world. This special issue
focuses on application of motion control with dynamic image processing.
The topics of the special issue include, but not limited to the followings:
visual feedback control, visual tracking control, vision-based motion control,
vision system for controlling, image processing for robot, robot vision
Toyomi FUJITA, Prof., Tohoku Institute of Technology, Japan
Takayuki TANAKA, Assoc. Prof., Hokkaido University, Japan
【Guest Editors】
Satoru TAKAHASHI, Assoc. Prof., Kagawa University, Japan
Hidenori TAKAUJI, Prof., Hokkai-Gakuen University, Japan
Shun’ichi Kaneko, Prof., Hokkaido University, Japan
【Important Dates】
Submission deadline: August 20, 2014
Notification of acceptance/rejection: October 20, 2014
Final manuscript submission: December 20, 2014
Publication: April 20, 2015
【Submission/Contact to】
Toyomi FUJITA, Prof., Tohoku Institute of Technology, Japan:
t-fujita @ tohtech.ac.jp
Papers should be submitted in Microsoft Word or PDF format. Details on
submission and the journal are available at the following link:
Submissions can be either Japanese or English. Submissions in Japanese
will be translated by the publisher and used after being proofread by
the author.
Papers submitted to this special issue will undergo our usual review
process. Paper may be published in general issues based on review results.
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