[image 00767] CFP: Workshop on Dynamic Shape Measurement and Analysis 2014
Koichi Ogawara
ogawara @ sys.wakayama-u.ac.jp
2014年 8月 3日 (日) 14:40:10 JST
ワークショップ(Workshop on Dynamic Shape Measurement and Analysis 2014)
このワークショップは、3次元情報処理に関する国際会議 3DV の併設ワーク
IEEE に掲載される今年最後の機会になると思いますので、皆様方からの積極的
投稿締め切り: 8月31日
採択通知: 9月30日
最終原稿提出: 10月15日
ワークショップ: 12月 8日
3DV カンファレンス:12月 9〰11日
和歌山大学 小川原 光一
Call for Submissions: Workshop on Dynamic Shape Measurement and Analysis
We invite you to submit a paper to the workshop on Dynamic Shape
Measurement and Analysis 2014 held in conjunction with 3DV 2014.
This is probably the last opportunity to publish your paper in IEEE
Xplore this year.
Paper submission: August 31, 2014
Paper notification: September 30, 2014
Paper camera ready: October 15, 2014
Workshop: December 8, 2014
Main conference: December 9-11, 2014
Dynamic 3D shape acquisition has been a subject of increasing interest
to many research communities including computer vision, graphics,
medical imaging, psychological and sports analysis. Recently
acquisition technologies such as 3D depth cameras, multi-camera
systems, motion capture systems have enabled acquisition of real
dynamic scenes and their analysis. Various applications have been
proposed, including dynamic shape modeling, performance capture,
high-speed shape capturing and motion analysis. In addition,
application for life science, such as medical and psychological
purposes, has been intensively researched. The purpose of this
workshop is to provide an opportunity for researchers to present their
work, exchange ideas and identify challenging open-problems.
High-quality papers are invited which present novel research related
to any aspect of modeling and analysis of dynamic scenes, including
but not restricted to:
Oneshot depth sensor
Acquisition of real-world dynamic scenes
Shape recovery of multi-view stereo images
Marker-less human motion capture
Deformable surface models, matching and tracking
Compression algorithm of sequential dynamic shape data
Free-point view and 3D video system
Texture analysis on moving object and environmental scene
Human motion and shape analysis
Underwater shape scan
Applications for medical, sports and psychological sciences
An International Program Committee will review the papers.
The conference will be held in Tokyo, Japan.
Accepted papers will be presented in single-track oral sessions,
published by IEEE Computer Society's Conference Publishing Services
and submitted to IEEE Xplore and CSDL.
Koichi Ogawara - Wakayama University (Japan)
Adrian Hilton - University of Surrey (UK)
Yasuhiro Akagi - Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology (Japan)
Edmond Boyer - INRIA (France)
Jinxiang Chai - Texas A&M University (USA)
Kent Fujiwara - NTT research lab. (Japan)
Ryo Furukawa - Hiroshima City University (Japan)
Jean-Yves Guillemaut - University of Surrey (UK)
Slobodan Ilic - TUM (Germany)
Hiroshi Kawasaki - Kagoshima University (Japan)
Shunsuke Kudoh - The University of Electro-Communications (Japan)
Shohei Nobuhara - Kyoto University (Japan)
Ryusuke Sagawa - National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science
and Technology (Japan)
Takaaki Shiratori - Microsoft Research Asia (China)
Tony Tung - Kyoto University (Japan)
Kiran Varanasi - Technicolor R&I (France)
Shuntaro Yamazaki - National Institute of Advanced Industrial
Science and Technology (Japan)
Email: ogawara @ sys.wakayama-u.ac.jp
image メーリングリストの案内