[image 00474] [NII 連続講演] Recent Trends in Cyber Security by Prof. Edgar Weippl
Isao Echizen
iechizen @ nii.ac.jp
2014年 2月 4日 (火) 14:52:28 JST
この度,ウィーン工科大学からEdgar Weippl先生をお招きして,
“Recent Trends in Cyber Security”に関する連続講義を2月18日-21日
Weippl先生は,ウィーン工科大が出資した産学連携センター(SBA Research)の
Research directorを兼務されており,ARES ConferenceのOrganizerでもあります.
*Title: Recent Trends in Cyber Security
In this lecture series we will present empirical research methods in applied
information security and include some fundamental information for audience
that has a focus other than technical information security. We will cover
four main topics: (1) Cloud Security and Mobile Application Security, (2)
Social Engineering, (3) Privacy, and (4) Malware Analysis, Software
Obfuscation and the Ethics of Large Scale Malware Evaluation. First, during
the past few years, a vast number of cloud services have been developed.
Cloud services are offered at different levels such as infrastructure or
application. We start by looking at the infrastructure (cloud services and
mobile applications that rely on cloud services). Second, social engineering
has become an emerging threat in virtual communities and is an effective
means to attack information systems. Today’s knowledge workers make use of
a number of services (presented in the first lecture unit) that leverage
sophisticated social engineering attacks. Third, the increasing integration
of all services creates more electronic traces that everybody leaves in
various systems and privacy becomes more important. We will look at how Web
browsers leak information about a user’s identity. So far the User Agent
string is often used to identify a given browser, which is a self-reported
string provided by the client. It is, however, not a security feature, and
can be changed arbitrarily. Forth and finally we look at applied malware
research and research ethics.
Lecture 1: Cloud Security and Mobile Application Security (Feb 18
Lecture 2: Social Engineering (Feb 19 10:30-12:00)
Lecture 3: Privacy (Feb 20 10:00-11:30)
Lecture 4: Malware Analysis, Software Obfuscation and the Ethics of Large
Scale Malware Evaluation (Feb 21 10:30-12:00)
Location: Lecture room 2005, 20fl, National Institute of Informatics
Isao Echizen, Ph.D.
Associate Professor,
National Institute of Informatics (NII)
2-1-2, Hitotsubashi, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo, 101-8430, JAPAN
mailto: iechizen @ nii.ac.jp
URL: http://research.nii.ac.jp/~iechizen/official/index-e.html
TEL:+81-3-4212-2516 (Direct), FAX:+81-3-4212-2120
image メーリングリストの案内