[image 00510] 【Reminder】 Faculty Position @ JAIST (Assistant Professor)
Kazunori Miyata
miyata @ jaist.ac.jp
2014年 2月 24日 (月) 13:54:03 JST
[Opening of Faculty Positions at Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology]
Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (JAIST) invites applications from outstanding individuals for a faculty position
in the field of Knowledge Media in the SCHOOL OF KNOWLEDGE SCIENCE.
Please see the details at the following URL; http://www.jaist.ac.jp/english/information/faculty.html
Best regards,
Kazunori Miyata @JAIST
1. Position Title: Assistant Professor
2. Job Description:
The successful candidate for the position as an assistant professor is expected
- To conduct active research in the field of visual computing and entertainment computing;
- To instruct and advise students for their laboratory work in both Master’s and Doctoral Programs of the School of Knowledge
Science in close cooperation with relevant faculty member; and
- To give introductory lectures related to Knowledge Media in the School of Knowledge Science, regarding digital media and user
interface, in cooperation with other faculty members.
3. Qualifications:
The successful candidate is expected
- To possess a Ph.D in a related field by the time of contract;
- To be excelled in and enthusiastic about education and guidance for graduate students in accordance with the Mission and Goals of
- To have expertise in conducting research in the area of visual computing and entertainment computing;
- To be capable of undertaking domestic and international research initiatives in competitive areas of advanced research;
- To be capable of giving introductory lectures and supervising students in English (Fluency in Japanese is considered as an
Foreigners and women are encouraged to apply for the position at JAIST. In the selection JAIST will give priority to women and/or
foreign nationals, provided that their other qualifications are as strong as those of other applicants.
4. Salary:
Commensurate with qualifications by the Guidelines of JAIST.
5. Starting Date:
At the earliest opportunity after June, 2014
6. Contract of Employment: Term of five (5) years
7. Application Documents (To be submitted in hard copy, NOT electronic file):
(1) Curriculum Vitae and copies of degree certificates;
(2-a) Summaries of Important Research Achievements:
Select your major research topic, and give a summary of the content in 200 words by citing no more than 5 articles from the list of
your publications with their article numbers specified. Attach hard copies of the cited articles.
(2-b) Raised funds
(3) Achievements in Education:
State examples of methods which you have used to encourage and motivate students, important points which you have paid attention to
in guiding their laboratory work.
(4) Other Activities Related to Research and Education:
Describe professional contributions, such as work as an editor of a professional journal, or as a program committee member of an
international conference; valuable contributions to society, such as work for an industrial standard organization; and professional
(5) Research Plan in the term of five years at JAIST:
Describe your research plan by indicating the importance and novelty of the research, and its value to the society. Describe as
concretely as possible in one page(A4 size).
(6) Aspiration for Graduate Education;
State your ideas about how to attract excellent students, your techniques for enhancing your students’ motivation, your specific
plans for guiding and teaching the students.
(7) List of publications and accomplishments in a reversed chronological order categorized into: papers published in international
journals, refereed papers for international conference or symposia, and papers published in domestic journals, as well as your
books, patents(application, publication, registration), and other relevant items such as awards. Give a summary of two to three
research results which you did not mention in item 7.2. but consider important; (8)Contact address, e-mail, phone number and fax
number; (9)Two (2) letters of recommendation or the contact information of two (2) references including names, mailing addresses,
e-mail addresses, phone and fax numbers.
8. Application Due:
March 3, 2014
9. Evaluation:
We will conduct the selection process based on results and achievements listed in the area of research and education, as well as on
future plans for your work at JAIST. We will base our consideration not only on the number of papers, but also on the important
content of publications and research.
The selection committee interviews the candidates selected in the initial screening in order to nominate the final candidate.
Interview will be conducted either in English or Japanese to evaluate the candidates according to the above mentioned
The evaluation of applications will be strictly unbiased and its result will be kept confidential.
10. Send the application materials to:
Attention to: Dean, Professor Michitaka Kosaka School of Knowledge Science Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology
1-1 Asahidai, Nomi, Ishikawa, 923-1292 JAPAN
Write "Application documents for an assistant professor for Knowledge Media" in red ink on an envelope containing the documents, and
send these documents by registered mail (priority mail).
It should be noted that documents submitted via e-mail are not accepted.
11. For more information, contact:
School of Knowledge Science (Graduate School Secretarial Service Department)
e-mail: ks-secr @ jaist.ac.jp
Tel: +81-761-51-1150, Fax: +81-761-51-1149
More detailed information about Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology and School of Knowledge Science is available at:
知識メディア領域 助教 1名
4.待遇 本学の規則による。
5.着任時期 平成26年6月以降なるべく早い時期
6.任期 5年
7.応募書類 (電子ファイルではなく印刷したものを提出)
(1) 履歴書(写真添付)及び学位証明書の写し
(2) 主な教育研究業績書
(3) 研究活動及び教育活動に係る今後の計画・抱負等
(4) 研究業績リスト
(5) 応募者本人の連絡先(郵便宛先と電子メールアドレス)
(6) 推薦書2通、または意見を伺える方2名の氏名・所属と連絡先(e-mail)
8.応募締切 平成26年3月3日(月) 必着
〒923-1292 石川県能美市旭台 1-1
北陸先端科学技術大学院大学 知識科学研究科
研究科長 小坂 満隆 宛
11.問合せ先 知識科学研究科担当(共通事務管理課共通事務第一係)
Tel: 0761-51-1150 (研究科長秘書)
Fax: 0761-51-1149
e-mail: ks-secr @ jaist.ac.jp
image メーリングリストの案内