[image 00442] CFP: Mobile Multimedia Computing Workshoop (MMC2014) @ ICME2014

Ichiro IDE ide @ is.nagoya-u.ac.jp
2014年 1月 15日 (水) 18:57:40 JST

Image MLの皆様,




The intimate presence of mobile devices in our daily life, such as
smartphones and tablets, has dramatically changed the way we connect
with the world around us. Users rely on mobile devices to maintain an
always-on relation to information, personal, and social networks. With
a growing number of powerful embedded mobile sensors like camera,
microphone, GPS, gyroscope, accelerometer, digital compass, and
proximity sensor, there is a variety of data recorded and hence
enables new sensing applications across diverse research domains
comprising mobile media analysis, mobile information retrieval, mobile 
computer vision, mobile social networks, mobile human-computer
interaction, mobile entertainment, mobile gaming, mobile healthcare,
mobile learning, and mobile advertising.

Regardless of the application fields, many issues and challenges
brought by the emerging technologies for mobile multimedia still lie
ahead and many research questions remain to be answered. For example,
seamless user experience has been identified as one key factor in
designing mobile multimedia applications for multiple form factors,
but its provision can be challenging and require effective integration
of rich mobile sensors and multidisciplinary research, such as
multimedia content adaptation and user behavior analysis. In addition,
for power saving purpose, application-driven energy management is an
important technical consideration in mobile multimedia computing,
e.g. what part of the computing should be performed on mobile devices,
and what part is better shifted to the cloud servers?

This workshop, WMMC 2014, aims to bring together researchers and
professionals from worldwide academia and industry for showcasing,
discussing, and reviewing the whole spectrum of technological
opportunities, challenges, solutions, and emerging applications in
mobile multimedia.

[Interest Topics]
- Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:
- Novel multimedia applications taking advantage of mobile devices
- Mobile multimedia indexing and retrieval
- Mobile social signal processing
- Human computer interaction with mobile devices
- 2D/3D computer vision on mobile devices
- Computational photography on mobile devices
- Ubiquitous computing/adaptation on mobile devices
- Mobile virtual and augmented reality
- Multi-modal and multi-user mobile sensing
- Action/gesture/object/speech recognition with mobile sensors
- Power saving issues of mobile multimedia computing
- Personalization, privacy and security in mobile multimedia
- Other topics related to mobile multimedia computing

- Wen-Huang Cheng (Academia Sinica, Taiwan)
- Kai-Lung Hua (National Taiwan University of Science and Technology,
- Klaus Schoeffmann (Klagenfurt University, Austria)
■ 井手 一郎 					   ide @ is.nagoya-u.ac.jp  ■
■ 名古屋大学大学院 情報科学研究科 メディア科学専攻			  ■
■	電話/ファクシミリ:(052)789-3313[直通]			  ■
■	住所:〒464-8601 名古屋市千種区不老町1 IB電子情報館461号室	  ■
■ 	WWW: http://www.murase.m.is.nagoya-u.ac.jp/~ide/index-j.html

image メーリングリストの案内