[image 01062] NICOGRAPH International 2015 (Journal track submission deadline extended)
mao @ yamanashi.ac.jp
2015年 1月 31日 (土) 20:50:39 JST
# 重複してお受け取りの際はご容赦願います。
コンピュータグラフィックス、マルチメディア、デジタルアートなどの分野で30年の歴史を有する研究集会 NICOGRAPH の国際会議版NICOGRAPH International の論文募集案内を送らせていただきます。
従来の会議録に収録される論文(Conference Track)に加え、会議開催に合わせて刊行予定の芸術科学会論文誌NICOGRAPH International特集号(Journal Track) の論文募集も行っています。
Journal Track への投稿期限が2月9日まで延長されました。
投稿される場合は,2月3日(火)までに Title と Abstract を投稿サイト(http://art-science.org/submit/submit.php)からご登録ください。
なおこの際に、NICOGRAPH International 2015のJournal trackへの投稿であることを、「その他の追加情報」欄に明記して下さい。
Journal Trackに採択された論文は会議開催と同時に特集号に掲載されるのに加え、NICOGRAPH International 2015で発表する機会も提供されます。
また、特集号に不採択となった論文は自動的にNICOGRAPH International2015への投稿論文として査読されます。
The Society for Art and Science holds the 14th annual international conference "NICOGRAPH International 2015" in Tokyo, Japan.
June 13-14, 2015
Tokyo City University, Tokyo, Japan
NICOGRAPH has the history of more than quarter-century. Its foundation can be traced back to NICOGRAPH 1985. The time-honored annual conferences have been organized by the Society for Art and Science since 2000, which aims to promote the research topics combining science and art in computer graphics and related fields as well as to advance the development of interactive media art.
In 2002 the first international conference NICOGRAPH International
2002 rose out of the domestic series, and since then NICOGRAPH international conference has been organized annually. The international conference mainly aims to provide good opportunities for young researchers and students to present their works in English and exchange ideas with young colleagues from countries all over the world. Through this activity, the organizing committee and supporting members hope to raise the next generation leaders in the interdisciplinary field combining academy, art and industry.
Topics of the conference include the following keywords, but not be limited to:
Computer Graphics, Arts Contents, Multimedia, Virtual Reality, Interactive Arts, Video Game, Design Contents, Web Design, Movie Production.
Setagaya Campus in Tokyo City University is located in 12-minute walk from Oyamadai Station on Tokyu Oimachi Line. This campus is easily accessible from big towns such as Shibuya and Shinagawa.
Please check the website (http://art-science.org/) or Facebook (http://www.facebook.com/Art.and.Sci ).
We look forward to seeing you in Tokyo in next early summer.
==== For Submitters ====
This year NICOGRAPH International calls for papers for two tracks:
"Conference track" and "Journal track".
"Conference track" calls for the submissions of the same categories as those of the past NICOGRAPH International conferences. Program committee of the conference reviews full/short/poster papers and notifies the acceptance.
"Journal track" follows the submission rule and the review process of "The Journal of the Society for Art and Science". Accepted papers will be published on the conference special issue of the journal. In addition, authors can make oral presentation at the conference. Submissions being rejected as a journal paper will still have a chance to be presented as full/short/poster at the conference after being reviewed by the conference program committee.
<Conference track>
Submission Types and pages
Full paper: 5-12 pages
Short paper: up to 4 pages
Poster: up to 2 pages
Jan. 30(Fri): Deadline of proposal for special sessions and tutorials Feb. 20(Fri): Deadline of full paper submission Feb. 27(Fri): Deadline of short paper submission Mar. 30(Mon): Notification of acceptance for papers/short papers Apr. 10(Fri): Deadline of poster submission May. 1(Fri): Deadline of camera ready manuscript
<Journal track>
Feb. 9(Mon): Deadline of paper submission Mar. 10(Tue): Notification of acceptance of the first review
* Rejected papers will be transferred to the conference track.
Apr. 10(Fri): Deadline of the revised paper submission May. 1(Fri): Notification of acceptance of the second review
Submission Web site
NICOGRAPH Committee chair: Xiaoyang Mao
<NICOGRAPH International 2015 Committee> Conference chair: Nobuhiko Mukai Program chair: Taichi Watanabe Local arrangement chair: Youngha Chang Publicity chair: Akinori Itoh
image メーリングリストの案内