[image 01342] [CFP] MMM2016 Demonstration session
Ichiro IDE
ide @ is.nagoya-u.ac.jp
2015年 7月 16日 (木) 18:11:57 JST
Image MLの皆様,
来年1月に米国フロリダで開催されますマルチメディア モデリングに関する国
MMM is a leading international conference for researchers and industry
practitioners for sharing new ideas, original research results and
practical development experiences from all MMM related areas. MMM 2016
<http://www.eecs.ucf.edu/mmm2016/> calls for demonstrations reporting
novel and compelling demonstrations of MMM related technologies in all
areas listed below and on the MMM 2016 <http://www.eecs.ucf.edu/mmm2016/>
website. The conference proceedings will be published in the Lecture
Notes in Computer Science (LNCS) series by Springer. A competition
will be held for the best demonstration and the award will be
announced at the conference banquet.
Submissions must have two parts: a demonstration paper and a link to a
video showing the demonstration in action. The demonstration paper
must conform to the formatting instructions of Springer Verlag
<http://www.springer.com/LNCS/> (Templates
<http://www.springer.com/computer/lncs?SGWID=0-164-6-793341-0>), LNCS
series and be at most 6 pages long. One section of the demonstration
paper must describe the demonstration itself and how the conference
participants can interact with the demonstrated software. The video
must be in MP4 format and be at most 3 minutes long. Optionally, a
link to the software may also be submitted.
All submissions will be peer-reviewed in a single-blind review
process. This means that authors do not need to anonymise their
To submit a demo paper to MMM 2016, please go to the MMM 2016
submission site <https://cmt.research.microsoft.com/MMM2016/Default.aspx>.
Important Dates:
- Aug. 16, 2015. Deadline for demo paper submission.
- Sept. 25, 2015. Acceptance Notification
- Oct. 10, 2015. Registration & camera-ready submission
The topics of interest for MMM 2016 include, but are not limited to:
Multimedia Content Analysis
Multimedia Indexing
Multimedia Mining
Multimedia Abstraction and Summarization
Multimedia Annotation, Tagging and Recommendation
Multimodal Analysis for Retrieval Applications
Semantic Analysis of Multimedia and Contextual Data
Multimedia Fusion Methods
Media Content Browsing and Retrieval Tools
Multimedia Signal Processing and Communications
Media Representation and Algorithms
Audio, Image, Video Processing, Coding and Compression
Multimedia Security and Content Protection
Multimedia Standards and Related Issues
Advances in Multimedia Networking and Streaming
Multimedia Databases, Content Delivery and Transport
Wireless and Mobile Multimedia Networking
Multimedia Applications and Services
Multi-Camera and Multi-View Systems
Augmented and Virtual Reality, Virtual Environments
Real-Time and Interactive Multimedia Applications
Mobile Multimedia Applications
Multimedia Web Applications
Multimedia Authoring & Personalisation
Interactive Multimedia and Interfaces
Sensor Networks (Video Surveillance, Distributed Systems)
Emerging Trends (e-learning, e-Health, Social Media, Multimedia
Collaboration, etc.)
Other topics related to MultiMedia Modeling but not listed above are
welcome as well.
■ 井手 一郎 ide @ is.nagoya-u.ac.jp ■
■ 名古屋大学大学院 情報科学研究科 メディア科学専攻 ■
■ 電話/ファクシミリ:(052)789-3313[直通] ■
■ 住所:〒464-8601 名古屋市千種区不老町1 IB電子情報館461号室 ■
■ WWW: http://www.murase.m.is.nagoya-u.ac.jp/~ide/index-j.html ■
image メーリングリストの案内