[image 01137] NIPS 2015 Call for Papers

Masashi Sugiyama sugi @ k.u-tokyo.ac.jp
2015年 3月 20日 (金) 06:12:20 JST



NIPS2015 PC co-chairs
Daniel Lee and Masashi Sugiyama

Neural Information Processing Systems Conference and Workshops

Palais des Congrès de Montréal, Montréal CANADA
Monday December 07 - Saturday December 12, 2015


Deadline for Paper Submissions:
Friday, June 5, 2015, 11 pm Universal Time (4 pm Pacific Daylight Time).

Submit at: https://cmt.research.microsoft.com/NIPS2015/

Submissions are solicited for the Twenty-ninth Annual Conference on
Neural Information Processing Systems, an interdisciplinary conference
that brings together researchers in all aspects of neural and
statistical information processing and computation, and their
applications. The conference is a highly selective, single track
meeting that includes oral and poster presentations of refereed papers
as well as invited talks. The 2015 conference will be held on December
7-10 at Montreal Convention Center, Montreal, Canada. One day of
tutorials (December 7) will precede the main conference, and two days
of workshops (December 11-12) will follow the conference at the same

Submission process: Electronic submissions will be accepted until
Friday, June 5, 2015, 11 pm Universal Time (4 pm Pacific Daylight
Time). As was the case last year, final papers will be due in advance
of the conference. However, minor changes such as typos and additional
references will still be allowed for a certain period after the

Reviewing: Reviewing will be double-blind: the reviewers will not know
the identities of the authors. The anonymous reviews and meta-reviews
of accepted papers will be made public after the end of the review

Evaluation Criteria: Submissions will be refereed on the basis of
technical quality, novelty, potential impact, and clarity.

Dual Submissions Policy: Submissions that are identical (or
substantially similar) to versions that have been previously
published, or accepted for publication, or that have been submitted in
parallel to other conferences are not appropriate for NIPS and violate
our dual submission policy. Exceptions to this rule are the following:

Submission is permitted of a short version of a paper that has been
submitted to a journal, but has not yet been published in that
journal. Authors must declare such dual-submissions either through the
CMT submission form, or via email to the program chairs at
program-chairs @ nips.cc. It is the authors' responsibility to make sure
that the journal in question allows dual concurrent submissions to
conferences. Submission is permitted for papers presented or to be
presented at conferences or workshops without proceedings, or with
only abstracts published.
Previously published papers with substantial overlap written by the
authors must be cited so as to preserve author anonymity (e.g. "the
authors of 1 prove that ..."). Differences relative to these earlier
papers must be explained in the text of the submission.
It is acceptable to submit to NIPS 2015 work that has been made
available as a technical report (or similar, e.g. in arXiv) without
citing it. While this could compromise the authors' anonymity,
reviewers will be asked to refrain from actively searching for the
authors' identity or disclose to the area chairs if their identity is
known to them.
The dual-submission rules apply during the NIPS review period which
begins June 5 and ends September 4, 2015.

Submission Instructions: All submissions will be made electronically,
in PDF format. Papers are limited to eight pages, including figures
and tables, in the NIPS style. An additional ninth page containing
only cited references is allowed. Please refer to the complete
submission and formatting instructions and to the style files for
further details.

Supplementary Material: Authors can submit up to 10 MB of material,
containing proofs, audio, images, video, data or source code. Note
that the reviewers and the program committee reserve the right to
judge the paper solely on the basis of the 9 pages of the paper;
looking at any extra material is up to the discretion of the reviewers
and is not required.

Technical Areas: Papers are solicited in all areas of neural
information processing and statistical learning, including, but not
limited to:

Algorithms and Architectures: statistical learning algorithms, kernel
methods, graphical models, Gaussian processes, Bayesian methods,
neural networks, deep learning, dimensionality reduction and manifold
learning, model selection, combinatorial optimization, relational and
structured learning.
Applications: innovative applications that use machine learning,
including systems for time series prediction, bioinformatics, systems
biology, text/web analysis, multimedia processing, and robotics.
Brain Imaging: neuroimaging, cognitive neuroscience, EEG
(electroencephalogram), ERP (event related potentials), MEG
(magnetoencephalogram), fMRI (functional magnetic resonance imaging),
brain mapping, brain segmentation, brain computer interfaces.
Cognitive Science and Artificial Intelligence: theoretical,
computational, or experimental studies of perception, psychophysics,
human or animal learning, memory, reasoning, problem solving, natural
language processing, and neuropsychology.
Control and Reinforcement Learning: decision and control, exploration,
planning, navigation, Markov decision processes, game playing,
multi-agent coordination, computational models of classical and
operant conditioning.
Hardware Technologies: analog and digital VLSI, neuromorphic
engineering, computational sensors and actuators, microrobotics,
bioMEMS, neural prostheses, photonics, molecular and quantum
Learning Theory: generalization, regularization and model selection,
Bayesian learning, spaces of functions and kernels, statistical
physics of learning, online learning and competitive analysis,
hardness of learning and approximations, statistical theory, large
deviations and asymptotic analysis, information theory.
Neuroscience: theoretical and experimental studies of processing and
transmission of information in biological neurons and networks,
including spike train generation, synaptic modulation, plasticity and
Speech and Signal Processing: recognition, coding, synthesis,
denoising, segmentation, source separation, auditory perception,
psychoacoustics, dynamical systems, recurrent networks, language
models, dynamic and temporal models.
Visual Processing: biological and machine vision, image processing and
coding, segmentation, object detection and recognition, motion
detection and tracking, visual psychophysics, visual scene analysis
and interpretation.

Demonstrations and Workshops: There is a separate Demonstration track
at NIPS. Authors wishing to submit to the Demonstration track should
consult the upcoming Call for Demonstrations.

The workshops will be held at the Montreal Convention Center December
11-12. The upcoming call for workshop proposals will provide details.

image メーリングリストの案内