[image 01196] Re: ACPR2015 / call for workshops

Seiichi Uchida uchida @ ait.kyushu-u.ac.jp
2015年 5月 2日 (土) 08:15:36 JST


以下のCall-for-Workshops @ ACPR2015ですが,締切が

2015-03-25 16:53 GMT+09:00 Seiichi Uchida <uchida @ ait.kyushu-u.ac.jp>:
> Image-MLの皆様
> document-MLの皆様
> (重複受け取りはご容赦ください)
> 九州大学の内田です.
> 11月にマレーシアのクアラルンプールにて開催されます
> ACPR2015 ( (3rd Asian Conference on Pattern Recognition)
> の "call-for-workshops" をご案内申し上げます.
> ACPR2013の際と同様,Workshop参加者は主会議への参加登録が
> 必要です.(従いましてWorkshopオーガナイザは,独自の参加登録シ
> ステムを立ち上げる必要はありません.ただし,特別講演者招聘や
> 独自のproceedingsを出版するための経費は,各WSで工面いただく
> 必要があります.)
> ご提案の締め切りは5月1日となっております.
> ACPR2015 Workshops
> http://acpr2015.org/programme/workshops/
> ======================================
> Call for Workshops
> Deadline of proposals: May 1st, 2015
> Notification of proposal acceptance: May 15th, 2015
> Date of workshops: November 3rd, 2015
> The 3rd Asian Conference on Pattern Recognition (ACPR2015) will be
> held on November 3-6, 2015, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. The Organizing
> Committee invites proposals for workshops to be held at ACPR2015. All
> the workshops are one-day or half-day and will be held on November
> 3rd, 2015, before the start of the main conference.
> Researchers interested in organizing workshops are invited to send a
> proposal to the workshop chairs. The proposal should include the
> following issues:
> Workshop title
> Duration (0.5 or 1 day)
> Scope and motivation
> List of topics
> Relevance to ACPR
> Potential program committee
> Preliminary plan of proceedings and invited speakers (including
> availability of fund if needed)
> Short bios of organizers
> Notes:
> All the workshop attendees should register at the main conference,
> which provides free meeting rooms, facilities and coffee breaks to the
> workshops. Also, the conference registrants are free to attend the
> workshops.
> If the workshop incur costs in proceedings publication (workshop
> papers are not included in the conference proceedings) and invited
> speakers, the workshop organizer should find sponsorship on their own
> to cover the costs. It is encouraged that the workshop proceedings are
> published on the Web without costs and the invited speakers self-fund
> their travel and accommodation.
> To encourage workshop organization, the ACPR2015 provides one or two
> (depending on the number of submissions, specifically, one for 20-50
> submissions, two for over 50 submissions) free registrations to a
> workshop. The workshop organizer may decide to use the free
> registration either for himself/herself or for invited speakers.
> ACPR2015 Workshop Co-Chairs:
> Jing-Ming Guo (Nat. Taiwan Uni. of Sci. & Tech., Taiwan)
> Seiichi Uchida (Kyushu Uni., Japan)
> Michael Blumenstein (Griffith Uni., Australia)
> Contact:
> acpr2015-ws @ human.ait.kyushu-u.ac.jp
> ====================================
> --
> Seiichi Uchida
> uchida @ ait.kyushu-u.ac.jp
> Kyushu University, Japan

Seiichi Uchida
uchida @ ait.kyushu-u.ac.jp
Kyushu University, Japan

image メーリングリストの案内