[image 01473] CFP: Advanced Robotics特集号 Embodied-Brain Systems Science and Adaptive Intelligence

Atsushi Yamashita yamashita @ robot.t.u-tokyo.ac.jp
2015年 10月 6日 (火) 21:18:36 JST



Advanced Robotics(日本ロボット学会の欧文誌)におきまして,Embodied-Brain
Systems Science and Adaptive Intelligence(身体性システムと適応知能)に


Advanced Robotics
Special Issue on Embodied-Brain Systems Science and Adaptive Intelligence
Paper Submission Deadline: March 31, 2016

(apologies for multiple postings)

In order to establish effective rehabilitation techniques, elucidating
the adaptation mechanism to the changes in body functions is required.
Here, abnormalities in somatognosia can occur even in diseases that do
not cause motor dysfunction. Thus the brain creates and maintains a
model of the body. The purposes of research on Embodied-Brain systems
science are to elucidate the neural mechanisms of the body
representation in the brain and to apply these findings to
rehabilitation interventions.

This special issue will focus on such adaptation mechanisms used in
animals and robots. In particular, authors who perform collaborative
research in brain science, rehabilitation medicine and engineering are
encouraged to submit their work. Papers on all aspects of adaptive
intelligence and neuroscience are welcome, including, but not limited
to the following topics:

-Biological and physiological examinations of human and animals
-Modeling of brain and body dynamics
-Construction and experiments on artificial systems by utilizing
robotic technologies

Submission:         The full-length manuscript (either PDF file or MS
word file) should be sent by March 31, 2016 to the office of Advanced
Robotics, the Robotics Society of Japan through the homepage of
Advanced Robotics (http://www.rsj.or.jp/advanced_e/submission). Sample
form of the manuscript as well as the Instruction for Authors is
available at the homepage. Also, send another copy to Prof. Jun Ota
(ota @ race.u-tokyo.ac.jp) for submission confirmation.

Important Dates:
March 31, 2016                Paper Submission Deadline
January, 2017                Publication (Vol. 31, No. 1)

Guest Co-Editors:
Prof. Jun Ota (The University of Tokyo) ota @ race.u-tokyo.ac.jp
Prof. Enrico Pagello (University of Padova) epv @ dei.unipd.it
Prof. Jun Ueda (Georgia Institute of Technology) jun.ueda @ me.gatech.edu

山下 淳 (Atsushi Yamashita, Ph.D.)
東京大学大学院 工学系研究科 精密工学専攻 准教授
〒113-8656 東京都文京区本郷7-3-1
Tel: 03-5841-6457  Fax: 03-5841-8548
E-mail: yamashita @ robot.t.u-tokyo.ac.jp
URL: http://www.robot.t.u-tokyo.ac.jp/~yamashita/

image メーリングリストの案内