[image 01492] CFP: FCV2016 (Takayama)
Kunihito Kato
kkato @ gifu-u.ac.jp
2015年 10月 15日 (木) 11:23:22 JST
Image MLの皆様
岐阜大学 加藤と申します。
FCV2016(22nd Korea-Japan joint Workshop on Frontiers of Computer Vision)
飛騨高山温泉 ひだホテルプラザ(岐阜県高山市)
Keiji Yamada (NEC)
Invited Talks:
Tae-kyun Kim (Imperial College London)
Yasuyuki Matsushita (Osaka University)
論文締切は、11/4 になりますので、奮ってご投稿頂けますと幸いです。
CFP: http://mprg.jp/fcv2016/FCV2016-CFP.pdf
Call for Papers
FCV2016 is the 22nd Korea-Japan joint Workshop on Frontiers of Computer Vision.
The workshop is pursuing a goal of developing new technologies on
computer vision fundamentals, machine vision application, and also
varieties of many related researches.
Important Dates
Full paper submission : Nov. 4, 2015
Notification of acceptance : Dec. 4, 2015
Final camera-ready paper : Jan. 4, 2016
Conference date & place : February 17 ~ 19, 2016, Hida Hotel Plaza,
Takayama, Gifu, Japan
FCV 2016 is the 22nd Korea-Japan joint Workshop on Frontiers of Computer Vision.
The workshop will be held at Hida Hotel Plaza
Takayama, Gifu, Japana, from February 17th to 19th, 2016.
The workshop is pursuing a goal of developing new technologies on
computer vision fundamentals, machine vision application, and also
varieties of many related researches.
Official website : http://mprg.jp/fcv2016/
E-Mail contact : fcv2016 @ mprg.jp
Topic Scope
Topics of interest include all aspects of image processing, computer
vision, machine vision, the fundamentals and applications including,
but not limited to, the following areas :
- Computer Vision fundamentals
Early Vision, Representation, Color and Illumination analysis,
Vision Geometry, Coding, Error analysis.
- Image signal processing
Filtering, Image enhancement, Restoration, Transformation,
Stochastic vision, Stereo vision, Scale space transform, Morphological
processing, Image sequence analysis, Image processing architecture,
- Image understanding
Image registration, Template matching, Indexing, Image search,
Robust recognition, Learning, Shape-from-X, Motion analysis,
Segmentation, Active vision, CAD-based vision, Model-based vision.
- Video processing and Multimedia understanding
Image and multimedia database, Content-based retrieval, Video
indexing and editing, Media processing.
- Image applications
Machine vision system, Industry system, Factory automation,
Visual inspection.
Submission Information
MS Word and LaTex templates can be downloaded from links below.
Papers will be accepted only by electronic submission.
All papers must be submitted via EasyChair :
Organizing Committee
Honorary Chairs
Yamamoto, Kazuhiko (Gifu University, Japan)
Hata, Seiji (Kagawa University, Japan)
Oe, Shunichiro (Shikoku University, Japan)
Choi, Jong-Soo (Chung-Ang University, Korea)
Lee, Sang Uk (Seoul National University, Korea)
Steering Committee
Koshimizu, Hiroyasu (Chukyo University, Japan)
Kaneko, Shun'ichi (Hokkaido University, Japan)
Sakaue, Katsuhko (AIST, Japan)
Taniguchi, Rin-ichiro (Kyushu University, Japan)
Oh, Weon Geun (ETRI, Korea)
Kweon, In So (KAIST, Korea)
Kwon, Ki Ryong (Pukyong National University, Korea)
General Chairs
Fujiyoshi, Hironobu (Chubu University, Japan)
Kim, Have Kwang (Sejong University, Japan)
Program Chairs
Kato, Kunihito (Gifu University, Japan)
Park, Jong-ll (Hanyang University, Korea)
Special Session Chair
Yamashita, Takayoshi (Chubu University, Japan)
Publications Chairs
Shimada, Atsushi (Kyushu University, Japan)
Local Arrangements Chair
Ohyama, Wataru (Mie University, Japan)
Publicity Chair
Kawanishi, Yasutomo (Nagoya University, Japan)
Department of Electrical, Electronic and Computer Engineering
Faculty of Engineering, Gifu University
Kunihito Kato
501-1193 岐阜市柳戸1-1
岐阜大学 工学部 電気電子・情報工学科 情報コース
E-Mail : kkato @ gifu-u.ac.jp
TEL :+81-58-293-2756
1-1 Yanagido Gifu Japan 501-1193
image メーリングリストの案内