[image 01427] 映像情報メディア学会英文論文誌(ITE Trans. on MTA)特集号 Image and Video Analysis, Search, and Benchmark

Shin'ichi Satoh satoh @ nii.ac.jp
2015年 9月 11日 (金) 10:47:28 JST


Trans. on MTA)では、画像・映像の解析・検索・ベンチマークに関する特集号

-- Shin'ichi

Call for Papers

Special Section on
Image and Video Analysis, Search, and Benchmark
ITE transactions on MTA to be published in July 2016

The  ITE (Institute  of  Image Information  and Television  Engineers)
Transactions  on   Media  Technology  and   Applications  announces  a
forthcoming Special  Section on Image and Video  Analysis, Search, and
Benchmark to be published in  July 2016. The special section calls for
papers on  image and video content analysis,  search, and benchmarking
on  these technologies  such  as TRECVID,  MediaEval,  PASCAL, and  so
on.  Invited papers  by leading  researchers  in this  field are  also
planned.  Topics of  interest include,  but  are not  limited to,  the

- Image and Video Content Analysis
- Image and Video Search
- Multimedia Recommendation
- Indexing for Large-Scale Image and Video Retrieval
- Multimedia Hashing
- Multimodal and Crossmodal Retrieval
- Benchmark on Image and Video Content Analysis and Search
- Applications on Image and Video Analysis and Search

Submission Guidelines:

Papers must be  submitted by November 30, 2015.  Manuscripts should be
prepared  according to  the guideline  given in  the  "Information for
Authors".  The   latest  version  is   available  at  the   web  site,
http://www.ite.or.jp/en/mta/information_for_authors/.  Authors  should
write  "Special  Section:  Image   and  Video  Analysis,  Search,  and
Benchmark" in the  cover letter and choose the  [Special Section] as a
"Section Type" on the online screen. Do not choose [Regular]. The term
for  revising  the  manuscript  after acknowledgement  of  conditional
acceptance for  this special  section could be  shorter than  that for
other  regular   issues  (30  days)   because  of  the   tight  review
schedule.   Videos   can  be   submitted   and   published  with   the
manuscripts. The details are shown in "Information for Authors".

Editorial Committee
  Shin'ichi Satoh (National Institute of Informatics)
 Associate Editor-in-Chief:
  Nobuyuki Yagi (Tokyo City University)
 Associate Editors:
  Ichiro Ide (Nagoya University)
  Chong-Wah Ngo (City University of Hong Kong)
  Naoko Nitta (Osaka University)
  Georges Quenot (LIG)
  Toshihiko Yamasaki (University of Tokyo)
  Keiji Yanai (The University of Electro-Communications)

image メーリングリストの案内