[image 01436] 【論文募集】投稿締切11月末:Special Issue on Special Issue on 3D Imaging and its Related Technologies(Vol.4, No.1, 2016)

IIEEJ hensyu hensyu @ iieej.org
2015年 9月 16日 (水) 10:43:47 JST



画像電子学会編集委員会 では 以下の論文特集を企画しております。

Special Issue on Special Issue on 3D Imaging and its Related 
Technologies(Vol.4, No.1, 2016)

                Editorial Committee of IIEEJ
In recent years, drones have been gathering wide attention in many 
scenes and fields. Drones are unmanned aerial vehicles or flying robots 
and especially camera-equipped ones are expected to be used for 
wild-life mapping, crop growth monitoring, and various surveillance 
operations including land suverying, bulding surverying, and disaster 
relief. From technical aspects, they have become the hot topics to 
develop and utilize novel 3D imaging and modeling technologies.
Therefore, the editorial committee plans to publish the special issue on 
3D Imaging and its Related Technologies on June, 2016 issue. The 
editorial committee will widely ask for submissions of the papers in the 
following area. Of course, the issue is not limited to drone related 
topics. We hope you would submit your highquality original papers, after 
checking the electronic submission guidelines on our

Topics covered include but are not limited to:
3D modalities, 3D data capturing, 3D data generation, 3D data display, 
Modeling of 3D data, 3D data registration, 3D edge detection, 3D data 
reconstruction, Transformation of 3D data, 3D data compression, 3D data 
filtering, Storage of 3D data, 3D stereography, 3D visualization, Human 
3D perception, virtual reality, AR, holography, 3D medical imaging, 3D 
videogames, application of 3D imaging, other 3D and volume data related 

Paper Submission Due Date: November 30, 2015

Publication Date: June 15, 2016 (Vol.4, No.1)

一般社団法人 画像電子学会
福島理恵子 Rieko Fukushima
東京都荒川区荒川三丁目35番4 ライオンズマンション三河島第二 
一般社団法人 画像電子学会
  TEL 03-5615-2893 FAX 03-5615-2894
E-mail : hensyu @ iieej.org
Facebook Page(Japanese): http://www.facebook.com/IIEEJ Facebook
Page(English): http://www.facebook.com/IIEEJ.E

一般社団法人 画像電子学会 福島理恵子 Rieko Fukushima
東京都荒川区荒川三丁目35番4 ライオンズマンション三河島第二 
一般社団法人 画像電子学会
  TEL 03-5615-2893 FAX 03-5615-2894
E-mail : hensyu @ iieej.org
Facebook Page(Japanese): http://www.facebook.com/IIEEJ Facebook
Page(English): http://www.facebook.com/IIEEJ.E

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