[image 01757] CFP: ISMAR 2016 Workshop and Tutorials Proposal (deadline 25 April 2016)

MAKITA Koji makita.koji @ canon.co.jp
2016年 4月 22日 (金) 14:27:39 JST

image-ML の皆様


The 15th IEEE International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality
(ISMAR 2016)
のWorkshop and Tutorials Proposalのご案内をお送り致します.


ISMAR2016 Publicity Chairs 牧田孝嗣

--- Apologies for multiple copies ---

The IEEE ISMAR 2016 <http://ismar.vgtc.org/> organizing committee invites
proposals for workshops and tutorials in the remit of Mixed and Augmented
Reality. These will be held on 22nd and 23rd September 2016, in Merida,

The purpose of the ISMAR workshops and tutorials is to provide participants
with the opportunity to present and discuss research ideas on cutting-edge
research topics related to Mixed and Augmented Reality as Science &
Technology and Arts, Media, & Humanities. We also encourage the researchers
from different academic communities outside the Mixed and Augmented Reality
community as well as from industry or public institutions to bring together
and to collaborate and discuss with each other about possible future topics
and trends.

Workshop organizers can choose one out of two options regarding the
publication of workshop ppaers. (1) published in ISMAR 2016 Adjunct
Proceedings via IEEE Xplore. OR (2) The workshop's papers will not be
published but included in the supplemental material folder of the ISMAR
2016 USB memory proceedings.

The scope of the proposals should be consistent with the main conference

- Workshop and Tutorials Proposal Deadline: *April 25th, 2016.*
- Workshop and Tutorials Acceptance Notification: *May 2nd, 2016.*

Please visit the conference webpage for details on how to submit proposals:
http://ismar.vgtc.org/ or contact the workshops and tutorial chairs via

ISMAR2016 Workshop and Tutirial Chairs
Raphael Grasset, Parametric Technology Corporation, Austria
Alejandro Martin, Universidad Autonoma de San Luis Potosi, Mexico
Maki Sugimoto, Keio University, Japan


koji.makita.jp @ ieee.org
makita.koji @ canon.co.jp

image メーリングリストの案内