[image 01987] 〆切延長(2016/Sep/09):映メ学会英語論文誌特集号(スポーツ情報処理)
ronbun @ ite.or.jp
ronbun @ ite.or.jp
2016年 8月 24日 (水) 12:08:22 JST
映像情報メディア学会 MTA事務局でございます.
特集号“Special Section on Sports-Information Technology”の
Call for Papers: Special Section on Sports-Information Technology
The ITE (Institute of Image Information and Television Engineers)
Transactions on Media Technology and Applications announces
a forthcoming Special Section on "Sports-Information Technology"
to be published in April 2017. The objective of the special section
is focused on the sports information processing, data/media
handling/analysis, coaching technologies, anqd their applications.
You are strongly encouraged to submit original research papers of
the topics which include the following:
- Sports Image / Video Processing
- Sports Image / Video coding
- 3DTV / FTV (Free-viewpoint TV)
- Virtual reality / Computer Graphics
- Coaching Technology / Communication
- Health & Physical Education
- Broadcasting
- Health Care Systems
- Multimedia Applications / Systems
- Motion Analysis
- Judging Systems
- Others
Submission Guidelines:
Papers must be submitted by ***September 9, 2016 ***.
Manuscripts should be prepared according to the guideline
given in the "Information for Authors". The latest version is
available at the web site, http://www.ite.or.jp/content/mta/.
Authors should write "Special Section: Sports-Information Technology"
in the cover letter and choose the [Special Section] as a "Section
Type" on the online screen. Do not choose [Regular].
The term for revising the manuscript after acknowledgement of
conditional acceptance for this special section could be
shorter than that for other regular issues (30 days) because
of the tight review schedule.
Editorial Committee
Editor-in-Chief: Hiroshi Watanabe (Waseda University)
Associate Editor-in-Chief: Shigeyuki Sakazawa (KDDI R&D Laboratories)
Secretary: Ken Tsutsuguchi (NTT Media Intelligence Laboratories)
Associate Editors:
Mitsugu Kakuta(Nippon Sport Science University),
Itaru Kitahara (University of Tsukuba),
Hideki Mitsumine (NHK),
Shinji Ozawa (Keio University),
Hideo Saito (Keio University),
Kazuhito Murakami (Aichi Prefectural University),
Satoru Tanabe (Osaka Sangyo University),
Osamu Uchida (Tokai University),
Chikara Miyaji (The University of Tokyo),
Masaaki Honda (Waseda University),
Fumito Yoshikawa (Biwako Seikei Sport College),
Keizo Takahashi (Biwako Seikei Sport College),
Masayuki Kashima (Kagoshima University),
Jun-ichi Hasegawa (Chukyo University),
Tsuyoshi Taki (Chukyo University),
Shinya Miyazaki (Chukyo University),
Masashi Yamada (Chukyo University),
Dan Mikami (NTT Media Intelligence Laboratories),
Masaki Nakamura (Equos Research)
(一社)映像情報メディア学会 MTA事務局
〒105-0011 港区芝公園3-5-8 機械振興会館内
TEL 03-3432-4677 FAX 03-3432-4675
e-mail:mta @ ite.or.jp URL:http://www.ite.or.jp
image メーリングリストの案内