[image 01618] Call for Doctoral Consortium participants: ISBA 2016 (Deadline: Jan. 19)

Yasushi Makihara makihara @ am.sanken.osaka-u.ac.jp
2016年 1月 12日 (火) 11:44:51 JST



2016年2月29日〜3月2日に東北大学で開催される国際会議 ISBA 2016 において,

・ISBA 2016



Call for Doctoral Consortium participants

The ISBA 2016 organizing committee is seeking candidates for the
Doctoral Consortium that will be held in conjunction with ISBA 2016.
Eligible candidates include (a) PhD students who will be graduating
soon, and (b) researchers who have recently completed their PhD program
(after April 2015). The Doctoral Consortium (DC) is a networking event
that will offer motivated researchers an opportunity to interact,
receive mentoring, and discuss employment opportunities with senior
researchers (mentors) in academia and industry. The DC event will
consist of a poster presentation and a luncheon.  The luncheon will
include a panel discussion in which students may ask questions and seek
advice from the mentors.

Application Process
Researchers interested in participating in the doctoral consortium
should submit an application (in a single PDF) with the following
- Name, university, department, and name of advisor.
- Copy of the researcher’s curriculum vitae.
- PhD graduation date or expected graduation date.
- A one-page statement discussing the researcher’s career goals and
indicating whether she/he is seeking a career in academia or industry
(this will help in mentor selection).
- Copy of a peer-reviewed and published paper in which the researcher is
the first author.

NEW THIS YEAR: Participants of the ISBA 2016 Doctoral Consortium will be
considered for the 2016 International Biometrics Internship Program
(details to be provided later).

The application should be sent via email to Prof. Kakadiaris at
ioannisk @ uh.edu as a single PDF attachment.

DC participants will be selected based on the strength of their
application. Successful applicants are expected to participate in all DC
events. Note that DC participants should inform Prof. Kakadiaris in
advance if they cannot attend the conference for any valid reason.

Financial Support
Limited financial support will be provided for researchers who are
selected to the
Doctoral Consortium. At this time, the number and size of actual offers
of financial
support are contingent upon available funds.

Important Dates
Application deadline: January 19, 2016
Notification deadline: February 25, 2016

Ioannis A. Kakadiaris, U. of Houston
Brian C. Lovell, The University of Queensland

槇原 靖 <makihara @ am.sanken.osaka-u.ac.jp>
大阪大学 産業科学研究所 第1研究部門(情報科学系)
複合知能メディア研究分野 八木研究室 准教授
tel. 06-6879-8422, fax. 06-6877-4375

image メーリングリストの案内