[image 01623] Big Data and Digital Humanities 論文募集のご案内

Yi Yu yiyu @ nii.ac.jp
2016年 1月 18日 (月) 18:26:12 JST

Image MLの皆様,


Big Data and Digital Humanities のワークショップを来年4月に開催致します。締切が近くて恐縮ですが、奮ってご投稿、ご参加頂きますよう お 願い申し上げます. 

Submission Deadline: January 25, 2016 (23:59 Pacific Standard Time)
Regular papers (8 pages maximum)
Short papers (4 pages maximum)
Industry papers (6 pages maximum)
Demonstration papers (2 pages maximum)


Workshop on Big Data and Digital Humanities 
In conjunction with The Second IEEE International Conference on Multimedia Big Data (IEEE BigMM 2016 http://bigmm2016.asia.edu.tw/)


In recent years, improvements in IT have allowed for the creation and wide availability of increasingly large data sets in the humanities field. These huge, ever-growing data sets (i.e., “big data”) require new analytic tools for identifying trends and patterns, extracting key information, and analyzing historical or cultural trajectories under the properties and challenges of big data.
Topics covered by the workshop will include, but not be restricted to, the following:
Text analysis and data mining of cultural and historical archives
New media studies and multimedia objects in the humanities, e.g., digital paintings, digital music, and films
Cultural analytics and social computing
Language and sentiment analysis
New infrastructure for the humanities, such as cyber- and cloud-based storage 
Linked data, hypertexts, and semantic webs
Information and communication technologies that support cultural heritage
Interfaces, applied augmented reality, and interactive gaming
Geographic information systems and digital mapping
Large-scale retrieval over digital humanities data sets
Big digital humanities data collection, management, and analytics
Cross-modal analytic model for multimodal digital humanities data
Novel and incentive applications of digital humanities data in various fields (e.g., healthcare, advertisement and marketing, and entertainment)

image メーリングリストの案内