[image 01923] 論文募集案内再送: DGMM4CV(〆切8/5)
Akihiro Sugimoto
sugimoto @ nii.ac.jp
2016年 7月 14日 (木) 21:53:01 JST
ACCV 2016 Workshop on
Taipei, Taiwan,
24 November 2016,
in conjunction with ACCV 2016.
url: http://www.dgcv.nii.ac.jp/DGMM4CV2016/
Latest news
** Submission web site is now open
** Important dates
- Submission deadline: August 5th, 2016
- Notification: September 10th, 2016
- Camera-ready paper deadline: September 16th, 2016
- Workshop: November 24th, 2016
** Student support
DGMM4CV2016 plans to offer grants to support participation of full-time students who present their own article. The number of grants depends on the available budget and speakers will be given preference in the selection process. Detail will be announced later on.
** Invited speakers
Robin Strand (Uppsala University, Sweden): Digital distance functions - recent advances in theory and applications.
Adrian Sheppard (Australian National University, Australia): Analysis of complex material structure from 3D images using discrete Morse
theory and persistent homology.
** Special issue
A special issue for extended versions of DGMM4CV2016 articles will be arranged in the following open-access journal:
Mathematical Morphology: Theory and Applications (Emerging Science).
Call for Papers
Discrete geometry plays a fundamental role in research fields such as image analysis, computer vision, computer graphics, pattern recognition, and shape modeling. This is because all data in the computer are unavoidably discrete. The foundation of discrete geometry comes from the necessity of the treatment of digitized models or images of objects in the 2D or 3D Euclidean space. Mathematical morphology, on the other hand, is a theory and technique for analyzing and processing geometrical structures based on set theory, lattice theory, and topology. Mathematical morphology is most commonly applied to digital images, but it can be employed as well on graphs, surface meshes, solids, and many other spatial structures.
The community of discrete geometry and that of mathematical morphology have closely communicated and mutually exchanged latest research results and ideas to stimulate and widen the communities. However, the computer vision community has less communicated with both the communities in spite that they all are working for digital images. Sharing recent findings in each community with the other communities contributes to advancing the cutting edge of researches for image analysis. There are increased demands to exchange latest results and ideas to foster these three communities together, and it is quite timely to bring them together.
Based on the recent development and discovery in 2D and 3D image analysis, the goal of this workshop is to light up and share common digital and discrete methodology in various fields and to open a new direction of computer vision, discrete geometry and mathematical morphology. Successful researchers are expected to submit their latest results and new ideas in discrete and digital geometric methods in image analysis and its related areas.
Main topics are, but are not limited to:
Geometric descriptors
Object digitization
Geometric transformation
Geometric motion analysis
Graph-based method
Markov random field
Discrete and combinatorial optimization
Connected operators
Hierarchical analysis
Discrete and computational Topology
Discrete calculus
Low-level vision, image processing
Denoising and filtering
Segmentation and grouping
Object detection
Model fitting
Point cloud processing
Image registration
Surface generation
Motion segmentation
Video segmentation
Motion tracking
Biomedical analysis
Human action recognition
Scene labelling and understanding
Medical image processing
Submissions and general information
The format for paper submission is the same as the ACCV main conference. The paper length should match that intended for final publication. Submitted articles can be up to 14 pages, not including references.
The conference proceedings will be published by Springer in the Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS) series.
Organization Committee:
Jean Cousty (jean.cousty @ esiee.fr)
Yukiko Kenmochi (yukiko.kenmochi @ esiee.fr)
Akihiro Sugimoto (sugimoto @ nii.ac.jp)
image メーリングリストの案内