[image 01939] [Call for Demos] ISMAR2016 in Mexico (deadline: July 29th)
Koji Makita
koji.makita.jp @ ieee.org
2016年 7月 27日 (水) 15:43:58 JST
Image-ML の皆様,
The 15th IEEE International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality
(ISMAR 2016)のデモ申し込みが〆切間近となりましたので,案内をお送りいたします.
ISMAR2016 Top:
Call for Demos:
Submission deadline: Friday July 29th, 2016, 23:59 US Pacific Time
Notification: Monday, August 8th, 2016
ISMAR 2016 Second Call for Demonstrations
The ISMAR demonstration track is the hands-on part of the conference
for showing your work and engaging with the ISMAR attendees. Your
demonstration can take the shape of a live interactive demo, a lab or
corporate exhibition, an interactive art exploration or any
combination of these!
Submitters are asked to provide a 2-page description of their
demonstration, which will be included in the USB proceedings. If you
wish to also publish your 2-page abstract on IEEE Xplore, we encourage
you to submit your work to the poster category and select demo as your
presentation style.
We encourage a diverse range of demonstrations on the topic of Mixed
and Augmented Reality. You are free to demonstrate the work presented
in the papers, posters or workshop sessions, as well as any new
visionary, engaging or emerging project not yet presented elsewhere!
The main selection criteria will be the expected general interest of
the demonstration to the Mixed and Augmented Reality community.
*Important Dates*
Submission deadline: Friday July 29th, 2016, 23:59 US Pacific Time
Notification: Monday, August 8th, 2016
Submission guidelines
To submit a demo proposal please send an email to
demos_chairs @ ismar2016.org with all following items:
- Title of the demonstration
- Short abstract (100 words: to be included in the demo list)
- (*) Two-page abstract (.pdf) including the following:
- Explanation of your demonstration
- What makes it unique and special
- Explanation of the novelty
- Why will it draw a crowd?
- Keywords
(*) Representative image (.png or .jpg: 640 x 480: to be included in
the demo list)
Optional but recommended: URL of your demo video (Video in QuickTime,
MPEG, or Windows Media Viewer.)
List of requirements (.txt, optional, if there are special requirements)
(*) All files (two-page abstract, representative image) should be
packed (.zip) for the submission.
Templates (TEX, DOC) are available here:
*Demonstration facility Information*
- One table
- Standard power electricity: 130W (110V, Type B Socket)
- WiFi Network provided (32MB/s)
*Demo Chairs*
- Alessandro Mulloni, App Designer and Developer, Austria
(info @ alessandromulloni.com)
- Jens Grubert, University of Passau, Germany (jg @ jensgrubert.de)
- Francisco Javier Hernandez Lopez, Centro de Investigacion en
Matematicas (CIMAT), Mexico (fcoj23 @ cimat.mx)
ISMAR2016 Publicity Chairs 牧田孝嗣
koji.makita.jp @ ieee.org / makita.koji @ canon.co.jp
image メーリングリストの案内