[image 01719] 講演会のお知らせ:R.Cipolla教授(英国ケンブリッジ大学)
Jun Sato
junsato @ nitech.ac.jp
2016年 3月 25日 (金) 09:57:49 JST
ケンブリッジ大学のR. Cipolla教授の講演会が近づきましたので、
名古屋工業大学 佐藤 淳
名古屋工業大学 情報科学フロンティア研究院 特別講演会
場所:名古屋工業大学 4号館1階 大ホール
名古屋工業大学 情報科学フロンティア研究院
名古屋工業大学 グローバル共生情報研究センター
Computer Vision: Geometry, Uncertainty and Machine Learning
Prof. Roberto Cipolla
University of Cambridge
The last decade has seen a revolution in the theory and application of computer vision and machine learning. I will begin with a brief review of some of the fundamentals with a few examples from my own research group (3R’s of computer vision - Reconstruction, Registration and Recognition - see research videos at http://mi.eng.cam.ac.uk/~cipolla/archive.htm).
I will then introduce some recent results from two real-time deep learning systems that exploit geometry and compute model uncertainty.
The first, SegNet, is a deep convolutional network architecture designed to map input RGB images to pixel labels for scene understanding. It is composed of an encoder network and a decoder network which ends with a softmax classifier. The entire architecture can be trained end-to-end using stochastic gradient descent. SegNet can produce dense pixel-wise class labels in real-time with a measure of model uncertainty. See demo and code – http://mi.eng.cam.ac.uk/projects/segnet/
Secondly, PoseNet is a real-time relocalisation system. Deep networks are trained to regress the camera's 3D position and orientation from a single image. The algorithm can operate over large scale indoor and outdoor areas in real time. See demo and code - http://mi.eng.cam.ac.uk/projects/relocalisation/
image メーリングリストの案内