[image 01770] CFP: ISMAR 2016 Poster Papers (deadline 1 July 2016)

MAKITA Koji makita.koji @ canon.co.jp
2016年 5月 2日 (月) 09:40:47 JST

image-ML の皆様


The 15th IEEE International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality
(ISMAR 2016)
の Poster Papers のご案内をお送り致します.

投稿締切は 2016年7月1日 です.


ISMAR2016 Publicity Chairs 牧田孝嗣

Apologies if you received multiple copies

The 15th  IEEE International  Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality
Sept. 19-23, 2016, Merida, Mexico. http://www.ismar.vgtc.org

Call for Poster Papers *Guidelines and Format for New Poster Papers (2-6 pages)*

** Deadline: 1st July 2016 **

** Scope ** 

In recent  years, MR/AR has  been expanding from an exciting research proposition into a publicly-acknowledged technology.

The field  is highly interdisciplinary, combining  work from areas such as  signal processing,  computer vision, computer  graphics, user interfaces,  human  factors,  wearable  computing,  mobile  computing, computer  networks, displays,  sensors and perceptual science. The  growing interest  in MR/AR applications is  creating new challenges for research  in all of these areas.

The new ISMAR poster paper track aims to offer a window to the full spectrum of Mixed and Augmented Reality research. We invite submissions in the topics of interest that include, but are  not limited  to:

- MR/AR Sensors 

- Information presentation 

- User Interaction 

- System architectures 

- Human factors 

- MR/AR applications

- MR/AR Perceptual issues

This year, there is a new format for Poster papers allowing for more space.

Poster papers will however still be reviewed on  the basis of an extended abstract, which can now be 2-6 pages long and contain a smaller contributions or work-in-progress.

Accepted Poster Papers will be published in the adjunct proceedings of IEEE ISMAR 2016 and will be included in the IEEE Xplore digital library.  Poster paper presentation  sessions will be organized at the conference. At least one of the authors must register and attend the conference to present the poster.

** Important Deadlines ** 

Poster Submission: 1st July 2016, 23:59 US Pacific Time 

Notification for Posters: 15th July 2016 

Camera-ready copy: 29th July 2016 2016

** Submission guidelines ** 

Posters papers must follow the "Conference Proceedings" format for which templates (TEX, DOC) are available from the submission guidelines at http://ismar.vgtc.org

All materials must be submitted electronically through the Precision
Conference website at: https://www.precisionconference.com/~ismar/

The Poster Chairs can be reached via poster_chairs @ ismar2016.org

**The ISMAR 2016 Posters Chairs ** 

Jose Martinez Carranza, 
National Institute of Astrophysics, Opitcs and Electronics, MEX 

Tobias Langlotz, 
University of Otago, NZ 

Eduardo Veas, 
Know Center GmbH, AT


koji.makita.jp @ ieee.org
makita.koji @ canon.co.jp

image メーリングリストの案内