[image 01775] Call for Papers: IWRR 2016 (in conjunction with ECCV 2016)
Masakazu Iwamura
masa @ cs.osakafu-u.ac.jp
2016年 5月 4日 (水) 01:32:29 JST
International Workshop on Robust ReadingというECCVワークショップのCFPを
また、ECCV / ACM Multimediaでリジェクトされた論文の再投稿を7月7日まで受
Call for papers
2nd International Workshop on Robust Reading
(in conjunction with ECCV 2016)
October 8,9, or 16 (TBC), 2016, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
IWRR 2016 is the succession of the 1st IWRR workshop that was held in
Singapore as a satellite workshop of ACCV 2014. IWRR aims at bringing
together computer vision researchers and practitioners with an interest in
reading systems that operate on images acquired in unconstrained conditions,
such as scene images and video sequences, born-digital images, wearable
camera and lifelog feeds, social media images, etc. The particular focus of
the workshop is on the automatic extraction and interpretation of textual
content in images, and applications that use textual information obtained
automatically by such methods.
The workshop aims to offer a forum for researchers to share experiences and
latest results in the area, and to discuss current trends and the evolution
of the Robust Reading Competition (RRC) which has attracted to date over
1,500 researchers and more than four thousand submissions. Reporting recent
results on standard datasets such as the ICDAR RRC 2015 dataset on
incidental scene text or the Coco-Text dataset is particularly encouraged.
All submitted papers will be reviewed by at least three members of the
programme committee. Paper acceptance will be based on originality, novelty,
technical soundness, and clarity of presentation. Proceedings for all ECCV
2016 workshops will be published with Springer.
Fresh paper submissions as well as re-submissions of improved versions of
rejected ECCV / ACM Multimedia papers (submitted along with the original
reviews) are welcome. The topics of interest include among others:
- Scene text localisation, segmentation, and recognition
- Reading scene and/or overlaid text in video sequences
- Word spotting
- End-to-end reading systems
- Text localisation and recognition in born-digital images
- Restoration of camera captured paper documents
- Quality estimation and degradation modelling of camera-captured text
- Performance evaluation and metrics
- Robust reading applications
- Graphical content interpretation in complex settings
Important Dates
Submission deadline: June 20, 2016
Deadline for resubmitted ECCV / ACM Multimedia papers: July 7, 2016
Author Notification: July 11, 2016
Camera Ready: July 24, 2016
Workshop Chairs
D. Karatzas (Spain)
M. Iwamura (Japan)
J. Matas (Czech Republic)
P.S. Kompalli (India)
F. Shafait (Pakistan)
Programme Committee
J. Almazan (France)
A.D. Bagdanov (Italy)
S. Belongie (USA)
W. Fan (China)
L. Gomez (Spain)
A. Gordo (France)
M. Jaderberg (UK)
C.V. Jawahar (India)
C.-L. Liu (China)
S. Lu (Singapore)
G. Meng (China)
M. Mirmehdi (UK)
P. Natarajan (USA)
L. Neumann (Czech Republic)
A. Nicolaou (Spain)
W. Ohyama (Japan)
U. Pal (India)
M. Paluri (France)
V.R. Chandrasekhar (Singapore)
J.A. Rodriguez (Spain)
M. Rusiñol (Spain)
P. Shivakumara (Malaysia)
R. Smith (USA)
S. Uchida (Japan)
E. Valveny (Spain)
J. Weinman (USA)
X.-C. Yin (China)
H. Yu (USA)
Masakazu Iwamura, Ph.D.
Associate Professor
Dept. of Computer Science and Intelligent Systems
Graduate School of Engineering
Osaka Prefecture University
1-1 Gakuencho, Naka, Sakai, Osaka 599-8531, Japan
Tel : +81-72-254-9277 Fax : +81-72-254-8291
Web: http://imlab.jp/~masa/
image メーリングリストの案内