[image 02152] CFP: IEEE PacificVis 2017 (VisNotes)
Naohisa Sakamoto
naohisa.sakamoto @ people.kobe-u.ac.jp
2016年 11月 10日 (木) 22:51:05 JST
来年4月に韓国ソウルで開催されるIEEE Pacific Visualization 2017 VisNotes の投稿募集のお知らせです。
* Call for Visualization Notes *
The 10th IEEE Pacific Visualization Symposium (PacificVis 2017) will be held in at Hoam Faculty House, Seoul National University, Seoul, Korea during April 18 to 21, 2017. Visualization has become an increasingly important research area due to its wide range of applications in many disciplines. PacificVis is an IEEE sponsored international visualization symposium held in the Asia-Pacific region, with the objective to foster greater exchange between visualization researchers and practitioners, and to draw more researchers in the Asia-Pacific region to enter this rapidly growing area of research.
PacificVis 2017 features a short paper track, called "Visualization Notes". The purpose of this track is to encourage young researchers to present their work and discuss with participants including senior researchers there. The submissions can be late-breaking results and work in progress, while they should be novel enough to attract interest from the visualization community.
Short paper submissions for the "Visualization Notes" can be up to a maximum of five (5) pages in length, with the caveat that an optional fifth page can only contain references. All submitted papers will be peer-reviewed through a single-stage process by the international program committee. The suggested topics for the "Visualization Notes" are the same as those for full papers, while the ideas there can be relatively small as compared with those for full papers. Nonetheless, the "Visualization Notes" are still expected to contain technically interesting results in theories and/or applications. Please note that all submissions must be original and thus have not been published elsewhere. Accepted short papers will be included in the conference proceedings and in IEEE digital library.
Submission Information: http://pacificvis.snu.ac.kr/cfp/visualization_notes
* Important Dates *
Visualization Note Submission: Dec. 13, 2016, 11:59pm (PST)
Visualization Note Notification: Jan. 20, 2017
Camera Ready Visualization Note Submission: Feb. 1, 2017
* Visualization Notes Co-Chairs *
Yun Jang (Sejong University, jangy @ sejong.edu)
Naohisa Sakamoto (Kobe University, naohisa.sakamoto @ people.kobe-u.ac.jp)
Naohisa Sakamoto, Ph.D.
Kobe University
naohisa.sakamoto @ people.kobe-u.ac.jp
image メーリングリストの案内