[image 02103] TopoInVis2017 (2017.2.27-2.28 @慶應・三田)論文募集(エントリ延長)のお知らせ
itot @ is.ocha.ac.jp
itot @ is.ocha.ac.jp
2016年 10月 18日 (火) 08:27:32 JST
Image MLの皆様(重複して受け取られた場合は何卒ご容赦のほどお願いいたします)
/// TopoInVis 2017 - Call for Papers & Posters
/// http://topoinvis.org/2017/
Topology-based methods are of increasing importance in the analysis and
visualization of datasets from a wide variety of scientific domains such as
biology, physics, engineering, and medicine. Current challenges of topology-
based techniques include the extension of concepts to time-dependent data,
the representation of large and complex datasets, the characterization of
noise and uncertainty, the effective integration of numerical methods with
robust combinatorial algorithms, etc.
In this forum, we will bring together the most prominent and best recognized
researchers in the field of topology-based data analysis and visualization
for a joint discussion and scientific exchange of the latest results in the
At the workshop, we will discuss topics, which include:
* scalar/vector/tensor field topology
* topology of point sets and cell complexes
* multi-field topology
* theoretical models
* combinatorial methods and robustness
* multi-scale representation models
* higher-order topological methods
* time-dependent methods
* feature extraction
* Lagrangian coherent structures
* topology-based denoising
* topological similarity and correlation
* topology simplification
* user interfaces and visualization
* domain specific interpretation of topological constructs and results
* efficiency of topological algorithms
* open implementations of topological algorithms
The 2017 workshop in Tokyo, Japan follows the six successful workshops in
2005 (Budmerice, Slovakia), 2007 (Grimma, Germany), 2009 (Snowbird, USA),
2011 (Zurich, Switzerland), 2013 (Davis, USA), and 2015 (Annweiler,
It will be held in an open atmosphere of informal discussions, open exchange
and personal interaction. Submissions will be peer-reviewed before the
workshop, and must be presented at the workshop. We are tentatively planning
to publish all accepted papers in the Mathematics + Visualization series of
Springer after a mandatory revision incorporating reviewer comments and
discussions at the workshop. Last but not least, please note that the 2017
workshop also invites posters to present, e.g., late-breaking results, work
in progress, and follow-up extensions or evaluations of existing methods.
Accepted poster submissions will, however, not be invited for publication in
the Springer series. Nevertheless, we plan to offer inclusion in a digital
library with a DOI.
Important Dates:
* Oct. 21, 2016: abstract submission for papers (new)
* Nov. 9, 2016: submission deadline for papers
* Dec. 22, 2016: notification of paper acceptance
* Jan. 15, 2017: submission deadline for posters
* Jan. 31, 2017: notification of poster acceptance
* Apr. 15, 2017 (tentative): revised papers due
* Jun. 5, 2017 (tentative): final notification
* Jul. 15, 2017 (tentative): camera-ready version due
Instructions for submission and further details will appear soon here:
Program Chairs (alphabetic order):
Hamish Carr (University of Leeds, UK)
Issei Fujishiro (Keio University, Japan)
Filip Sadlo (Heidelberg University, Germany)
Shigeo Takahashi (University of Aizu, Japan)
Issei FUJISHIRO, Dr. Sc.
Professor of Information and Computer Science,
Faculty of Science and Technology, Keio University,
3-14-1 Hiyoshi, Kohoku-ku, Yokohama, Kanagawa 223-8522, Japan
E-mail:fuji @ ics.keio.ac.jp
URL:http://fj.ics.keio.ac.jp/ <http://www.fj.ics.keio.ac.jp/>
image メーリングリストの案内