[image 02381] CFP: 「E-Commerce と Entertainment Computing」に関するワークショップのご案内

Masuko, Soh | Masukon | RIT so.masuko @ rakuten.com
2017年 4月 14日 (金) 13:28:15 JST



2017年の9月18日に「E-Commerce と Entertainment Computing」に関するワークショップを開催することになりました。


CFP(PDF): http://icec2017.net/ecec2017/cfp.pdf


The Workshop on E-Commerce and Entertainment Computing (ECEC) will take place on Sep. 18, 2017 in conjunction with the 16th International Conference on Entertainment Computing (ICEC2017) in Tsukuba, Japan.

In this workshop, new concepts and recent progress on e-commerce and entertainment computing are discussed from various points of view. The workshop consists of invited talks by world-leading innovators, and interactive poster presentation of submitted papers and abstracts. Additionally, a special session of selected papers may be held as an oral presentation session.

Visit http://icec2017.net/ecec2017/index.html for more information and participation.
Conference: http://icec2017.net/

Topics include (but are not limited to)
 - Gamification of shopping experiences
 - Entertainment psychology and shopping experiences
 - Shopping attractions
 - Online-to-offline, Omni channel with entertainment
 - Use of wearable/smart devices for shopping
 - Physical shopping interfaces
 - Augmenting real-world shopping experiences using VR/AR/MR technologies
 - Image/Video processing for e-commerce
 - Best practices in e-commerce and entertainment

Important Dates

A. Peer-Reviewed Paper Submission
 Paper submission due: May 13, 2017
 Notification: May 30, 2017
 Camera ready due: June 10, 2017

B. Non-Reviewed Abstract Submission
 Paper submission due: June 10, 2017
 Notification: June 17, 2017

If you have any question, we are happy to answer them.
Please contact to org-ecec2017_contact @ mail.rakuten.com

Best regards,

Soh Masuko
Rakuten Institute of Technology
Group Manager, Principal Scientist

image メーリングリストの案内