[image 02503] 講演会のお知らせ: David Crandall, Indiana University Bloomington

Shin'ichi Satoh satoh @ nii.ac.jp
2017年 7月 1日 (土) 14:40:30 JST


国立情報学研究所の佐藤真一です。Indiana University BloomingtonのDavid

-- Shin'ichi

日時: 7月6日(木) 14:30-15:30
場所: 国立情報学研究所 12階 会議室1208

Speaker:  David Crandall, Indiana University Bloomington

Title: Egocentric computer vision, for fun and science

New sources of large-scale visual data raise both opportunities and
challenges for computer vision. For example, each of the nearly
trillion photos on Facebook is an observation of what the world looked
like at a particular point in time and space, and what a particular
photographer was paying attention to. Meanwhile, low-cost wearable
cameras (like GoPro) are entering the mainstream, allowing people to
record and share their lives from a first-person, "egocentric"
perspective. How can vision help people organize these (and other)
vast but noisy datasets? What could mining these rich datasets reveal
about ourselves and about the world in general? In this talk, I'll
describe recent work investigating these questions, focusing on two
lines of work on egocentric imagery as examples. The first is for
consumer applications, where our goal is to develop automated
classifiers to help categorize lifelogging images across several
dimensions. The second is an interdisciplinary project using computer
vision with wearable cameras to study parent-child interactions in
order to better understand child learning. Despite the different
goals, these applications share common themes of robustly recognizing
image content in noisy, highly dynamic, unstructured imagery.

David Crandall is an Associate Professor in the School of
Informatics and Computing at Indiana University Bloomington, where he
is a member of the programs in Computer Science, Informatics,
Cognitive Science, and Data Science, and of the Center for Complex
Networks and Systems Research. He received the Ph.D. in computer
science from Cornell University in 2008 and the M.S. and B.S. degrees
in computer science and engineering from the Pennsylvania State
University in 2001.  He was a Postdoctoral Research Associate at
Cornell from 2008-2010, and a Senior Research Scientist with Eastman
Kodak Company from 2001-2003. He received an NSF CAREER award
in 2013, a Google Faculty Research Award in 2014, best paper awards
or nominations at CVPR, CHI, ICDL, and WWW, and an Indiana University
Trustees Teaching Award in 2017.

image メーリングリストの案内