[image 02470] CFP: Machine Learning in Medical Imaging (MLMI 2017)
Kenji Suzuki
ksuzuki @ iit.edu
2017年 6月 9日 (金) 11:01:56 JST
8th International Workshop on Machine Learning in Medical Imaging (MLMI
In conjunction with MICCAI 2017
September 10, 2017 in Quebec City, Quebec, Canada
Highlights -
- Accepted papers will be invited to submit to a special issue of a
leading journal with a high impact factor
- The papers of MLMI2016 have been published in a special issue of Pattern
Recognition (Impact factor: 3.399)
- Accepted papers will be published in LNCS proceeding.
- MLMI 2017 Best Paper Award will be presented to the best overall
scientific paper.
- NVIDIA will sponsor again for the MLMI 2017 Best Paper Award!
Important Dates -
Full Paper Submission: June 12 (23:59 PST)
Notification of Acceptance: July 9
Camera-ready Version: July 23
Conference Date: September 10, 2017
Overview -
Machine learning plays an essential role in the medical imaging field,
including computer-aided diagnosis, image segmentation, image
registration, image fusion, image-guided therapy, image annotation and
image database retrieval. Machine Learning in Medical Imaging (MLMI 2017)
is the eighth in a series of workshops on this topic in conjunction with
MICCAI 2017. This workshop focuses on major trends and challenges in this
area, and it presents work aimed to identify new cutting-edge techniques
and their use in medical imaging.
Objective -
Our goal is to help advance the scientific research within the broad field
of machine learning in medical imaging. The technical program will consist
of previously unpublished, contributed, and invited papers. We are looking
for original, high-quality submissions on innovative research and
development in the analysis of medical image data using machine learning
Topics -
Topics of interests include but are not limited to machine learning
methods (e.g., deep learning, support vector machines, statistical
methods, manifold-space-based methods, artificial neural networks, extreme
learning machines) with their applications to the following areas:
- Medical image analysis (e.g., pattern recognition, classification,
segmentation, registration) of anatomical structures and lesions
- Computer-aided detection/diagnosis (e.g., for lung cancer, prostate
cancer, breast cancer, colon cancer, brain diseases, liver cancer, acute
disease, chronic disease, osteoporosis)
- Multi-modality fusion (e.g., MRI/PET, PET/CT, projection X-ray/CT,
X-ray/ultrasound) for diagnosis, image analysis and image guided
- Image reconstruction (e.g., expectation maximization (EM) algorithm,
statistical methods, iterative reconstruction) for medical imaging (e.g.,
CT, PET, MRI, X-ray)
- Image retrieval (e.g., context-based retrieval, lesion similarity)
- Cellular image analysis (e.g., genotype, phenotype, classification,
identification, cell tracking)
- Molecular/pathologic image analysis (e.g., PET, digital pathology)
- Dynamic, functional, physiologic, and anatomic imaging
Workshop Organizers:
Dr. Qian Wang (Shanghai Jiao Tong University)
Dr. Yinghuan Shi (Nanjing University)
Dr. Heung-Il Suk (Korea University)
Dr. Kenji Suzuki (Illinois Institute of Technology)
Kenji Suzuki, Ph.D.
Associate Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Medical Imaging Research Center
Pritzker Institute of Biomedical Science & Engineering
Illinois Institute of Technology
3440 South Dearborn Street
Chicago, IL 60616-3793
Main office: M-104, Suite 100, Technology Business Center
Second office: SH-338, Siegel Hall
Direct phone: 312-567-5232
Secretary phone: 312-567-3400
Fax: 312-567-8976
Email: ksuzuki @ iit.edu
Homepages: http://www.ece.iit.edu/~ksuzuki/
image メーリングリストの案内