[image 02480] 【論文募集:締切 6月末 】画像電子学会:Special Issue on Application-Based Image Processing Technologies(英文誌T-IIEEJ Vol.5, No.2, 2017年12月号)

IIEEJ hensyu hensyu @ iieej.org
2017年 6月 16日 (金) 12:59:20 JST



画像電子学会編集委員会 では 以下の論文特集を企画しております。

Special Issue on Application-Based Image Processing Technologies
(英文誌T-IIEEJ Vol.5, No.2, 2017年12月号)


お問い合わせ:hensyu @ iieej.org(福島)
Call for Papers

Special Issue on Application-Based Image Processing Technologies

              Editorial Committee of the IIEEJ

The IIEEJ Transactions on Image Electronics and Visual Computing 
announces a forthcoming special issue on “Application-based Image 
Processing Technologies” to be published on December 2017.
A significant progress on image processing technologies can be found in 
a wide variety of technological fields such as Robot vision, Medical 
image processing, Facial expressions and gesture recognition, 
Intelligent transport systems (ITS), Disaster management systems, and so 
on. Such progress has been brought about by the fulfillment of a variety 
of demands in targeted application systems. From this point of view, 
this special issue is focusing on the image processing technologies 
driven by various image processing application systems. Prospective 
authors are invited to submit original research papers to this special 
issue. The solicited technologies will include theories, methodologies, 
implementations to achieve high quality and cost-effective image related 
application systems.

1. Topics covered include but not limited to
- Robot vision systems
- Medical image processing
- Face, facial expressions and gesture recognition
- Camera based intelligent transport systems(ITS)
- Camera based disaster management systems, Camera based security systems
- Machine learning and pattern recognition system
- Computer vision and computer graphics system
- Visual feature extraction, Object recognition, Object/feature tracking
- Image and video processing, analysis and understanding
- Multimedia transmission systems, 2D/3D high quality display system
- Light field camera, Holography, Multi-view system

2. Submission Deadline

Friday, June 30, 2017

3. Inquires IIEEJ Office

E-mail: hensyu @ iieej.org

4. Online Submission

URL   http://www.editorialmanager.com/iieej/

一般社団法人 画像電子学会
福島理恵子 Rieko Fukushima
東京都荒川区荒川三丁目35番4 ライオンズマンション三河島第二 
一般社団法人 画像電子学会
  TEL 03-5615-2893 FAX 03-5615-2894
E-mail : hensyu @ iieej.org
Facebook Page(Japanese): http://www.facebook.com/IIEEJ Facebook
Page(English): http://www.facebook.com/IIEEJ.E

image メーリングリストの案内