[image 02307] 講演会のご案内(3月14日(火) 16:00-17:00@大阪府立大学 B4棟 西K-301室)

Motoi Iwata iwata @ cs.osakafu-u.ac.jp
2017年 3月 2日 (木) 14:30:22 JST

Image-ML の皆様


台湾の National Chung Cheng University の Wei-Ta Chu 准教授を



岩田 基
大阪府立大学 大学院 工学研究科
知能情報工学分野 第3グループ 准教授
〒599-8531 大阪府堺市中区学園町1-1
TEL/FAX: 072-254-9281  内線6805


日時 :2017年3月14日(火) 16:00-17:00
場所 :大阪府立大学 B4棟 3階 西K-301室
講師 :Wei-Ta Chu 准教授
         Department of Computer Science and Information Engineering,
         National Chung Cheng University, Taiwan
         Personal site: https://www.cs.ccu.edu.tw/~wtchu/
         Email: wtchu @ ccu.edu.tw
主催: 大阪府立大学 文書解析・知識科学研究所 (IDAKS)

Computational Manga Analysis: Face Detection, Style Classification, and Manga Composition

The availability of large amounts of digitized manga urge the needs of
efficient access and management. In this talk, we will share several
studies towards computational manga analysis to meet such
needs,including manga face detection, manga style
classification, and mangapage composition. Visual features learnt by a
deep neural network are adopted to do manga face
detection; manga-specific features are designed to
describe manga styles; components of manga composition are formulated
and solved by optimization frameworks.

*Wei-Ta Chu* received B.S. and M.S. degrees in Computer Science from
National Chi Nan University, Taiwan, in 2000 and 2002, and received
Ph.D. degree in Computer Science from National Taiwan
University,Taiwan, in 2006. He is now an Associate Professor in the
Department of Computer Science and Information Engineering, National
Chung Cheng University, Taiwan. His research interests include digital
content analysis, multimedia indexing, digital signal process, and
pattern recognition.

He won the Best Full Technical Paper Award in ACM Multimedia 2006,the K.
T. Li Young Researcher Award presented by Institute of Information &
Computing Machinery in 2012, and the Young Faculty Awards presented by
National Chung Cheng University in 2011. He is an associate editor of
IEICE Transactions on Information and Systems since 2016. He serves as
Publication Co-Chair of International Computer Symposium
2016, Publication Co-Chair of IEEE International Conference on Visual
Communications and Image Processing 2018,and Program Co-Chair of
International Conference on Multimedia Modelling 2020.

Motoi IWATA, Ph.D., Associate Professor
Intelligent Media Processing Group
Graduate School of Engineering
Osaka Prefecture University
Sakai, Osaka, Japan
+81 72 254 9281
E-mail: iwata @ cs.osakafu-u.ac.jp

image メーリングリストの案内