[image 02750] IEEE PacificVis 2018 "Visual Data Storytelling Contest"

itot @ is.ocha.ac.jp itot @ is.ocha.ac.jp
2017年 11月 15日 (水) 15:54:57 JST



神戸で開催される国際会議IEEE PacificVis 2018 (http://pvis.org/)
の可視化作品コンテスト「Visual Data Storytelling Contest」の

[CFP] PacificVis 2018 Visual Data Storytelling Contest


Following the success of the successful 2017 IEEE PacificVis Data
Storytelling Contest, the contest will take place for the second time in
2018. Data storytelling, narrative visualization, or explanatory
visualization has emerged as an important industry trend, with events such
as the Tapestry Conference, the Information is Beautiful Awards, and the
Malofiej Infographics World Summit, as well as new visual essay
publications and blogs such as The Pudding, Explorable Explanations and
Google News Lab’s Data Journalism blog. The purpose of this contest is to
encourage students and researchers to demonstrate the value of their
visualization research through effective visual data storytelling, and to
contribute to this exciting development in the broader visualization

PacificVis is a unified visualization symposium, welcoming all areas of
visualization such as: information, scientific, graph, security, and
software visualization. Storytellers are invited to submit visual
data-driven stories that draw upon any of these areas. Unlike contests such
as the VAST challenge or the SciVis Contest, the data for the PacificVis
visual data storytelling contest will be left unspecified; storytellers are
free to choose any publicly-available dataset(s). Similarly, the task that
storytellers are to accomplish is to successfully communicate a message or
series of messages (i.e., a narrative, a series of insights) using
visualization techniques and supported by the underlying data. The themes
of the story can draw from any topic, including current affairs, history,
natural disasters, and research findings from the sciences and humanities.

More details:

Submission Procedure:
- The submission deadline is January 19th, 2018 9 PM PST.
- The title, submission file, abstract, and reference list should be
submitted via PCS.
- The notification date is February 7th, 2018.
- Final Submission: February 21st, 2018 9PM PST.

Awards and Rating:
A jury of visualization and data storytelling experts will carefully judge
each submission. Successful entries will effectively communicate a
narrative, message(s), or insight(s) using visual representations of data.
Each judge assigned to a submission will give the submission a score from 1
to 5, and they will be asked the following questions:
- Is this work relevant for the PacificVis Data Storytelling Contest?
- Is the story original (i.e, not previously published elsewhere)?
- Is the story engaging and interesting?
- Is the narrative point or message of the story clearly discernible? Are
insights clearly communicated?
- Are data sources adequately referenced?
- Are data sources publicly available?
- Does the story feature at least one programmatically-generated visual
representation of data?
- Is it clear which aspects of the story represents the author(s)’ own
work, using techniques or tools created by the authors?
- Is proper credit given to the creators of third party techniques or
applications used to generate the story?

- For questions regarding the contest, please do not hesitate to contact
the chairs directly via contest @ pvis.org.

Contest chairs:
- Matthew Brehmer, Microsoft Research, USA
- Ingrid Hotz, Linkoping University, Sweden
- Hidenori Watanave, Tokyo Metropolitan University, Japan

Takayuki Itoh (伊藤貴之) (itot @ is.ocha.ac.jp)
Dept. of Information Sciences, Ochanomizu University

image メーリングリストの案内