[image 02714] 論文募集:PacificVAST 2018 (2018.4.10 @ Kobe University)
itot @ is.ocha.ac.jp
itot @ is.ocha.ac.jp
2017年 10月 23日 (月) 10:35:27 JST
この国際ワークショップは,コンピュータ可視化分野の国際会議IEEE PacificVisの一部と
論文はすべてElsevier Scienceの新しい雑誌Journal of Visual Inforrmaticsの特集号に収蔵
Issei FUJISHIRO, Dr. Sc.
Professor of Information and Computer Science,
Faculty of Science and Technology
Chief Professor of Center for Information and Computer Science,
Graduate School of Science and Technology
Keio University
3-14-1 Hiyoshi, Kohoku-ku, Yokohama, Kanagawa 223-8522, Japan
E-mail:fuji @ ics.keio.ac.jp
PACIFICVAST 2018 (April 10, 2018, Kobe University) CALL FOR PAPERS
PacificVAST 2018 is an international workshop collocated with PacificVis 2018.
The workshop is held on April 10th 2018, the first day of the symposium.
In PacificVAST, participants share their state-of-the-art research results and
fresh perspectives on visual analytics. Visual analytics is a discipline
concerned with science and technology for analytical reasoning supported by
interactive visual interfaces. Most papers presented in PacificVAST are
distinguished from traditional visualization papers in that they harmoniously
integrate interactive visual interfaces with analytical techniques from statistics,
data mining, or machine learning fields to help analyze overwhelming amounts of
disparate, conflicting, and dynamic information.
All aspects of visual analytics are covered in PacificVAST including,
but not limited to the following topics:
The science of analytical reasoning
- Visually enabled tools to support (collaborative) analytic reasoning
about complex and dynamic problems Scalable visual analytic techniques
Visual representations and interaction techniques
- Theories and techniques of visual representations based on cognitive
and perceptual principles that can be deployed through engineered,
reusable components
- Novel visual paradigms that support the (collaborative) analytical
reasoning process
- Theories and techniques of user interactions that support the analytical
reasoning process
Data representations, transformations, and integrations
- Theory and practice for transforming data into new scalable representations
that faithfully represent the content of the underlying data
- Methods to synthesize information of different types and from different
sources into a unified data representation
- Methods and principles for representing data quality, reliability, and
certainty measures throughout the data transformation and analysis process
Techniques and systems for production, presentation, and dissemination of analysis
- Methodology and tools that enable the capture of the analytic assessment,
decision recommendations, and first responder actions into information packages
- Technologies and systems that enable analysts to communicate what they know
through the use of appropriate visual metaphor and accepted principles of
reasoning and graphic representation
- Techniques and tools that enable effective use of limited,mobile forms of
technologies to support situation assessment by first responders
Methodologies and benchmarks for evaluating visual analytics techniques and
- Infrastructure to facilitate evaluation of new visual analytics technologies
- Ecologically valid evaluation methods for visual analytics tools
For fostering a stronger visual analytics community in the Asia-Pacific region,
PacificVAST starts a new publishing model this year: ALL accepted papers will be
published in a special issue of the Elsevier Journal of Visual Informatics
on the day of the workshop.
Important dates
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Deadline for submission December 11th (Mon), 2017
First round notification January 19th (Fri), 2018
Deadline for Revision February 9th (Fri), 2018
Second round notification February 25th (Mon), 2018
Deadline for camera ready draft March 12th (Mon), 2018
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Deadlines are due at 23:59 Pacific Time (PST).
Submission guidelines
Author guidelines are available at the link below.
For those who want to submit their paper: Send us at
pacific_vast (at) pvis.org, a simple e-mail containing the title,
the list of author(s), abstract, and the name and e-mail address of
author. Upon receipt of your request, we will send back a link for the
to the special issue.
- Issei FUJISHIRO (Keio University, Associate Editor for JVI)
- Jinwook SEO (Seoul National University)
image メーリングリストの案内