[image 02626] IEEE PacificVis 2018 (4/10-13) 論文募集
itot @ is.ocha.ac.jp
itot @ is.ocha.ac.jp
2017年 9月 6日 (水) 06:43:41 JST
来年4月に神戸大学にて開催される PacificVis についてご案内します。
(Asia Pacific Visualization)を母体として、2008年に日本から産声を
上げた IEEE Pacific Visualization Symposium (PacificVis)が、
PacificVis は現在,VisWeek(米国本土),EuroVis(欧州)と並んで
* PacificVis 2018 は正式に IEEE の国際会議となりました。
* Formatting Guideline が整備されました。
* 投稿システムが用意されました。
* Full PaperおよびNotes(=Short Paper)は全てIEEE DLに掲載されること、
またFull Paperのうち選ばれた何本かはIEEE Transactions on Visualization
and Computer Graphicsに掲載されることが決定となりました。
Full Paper: 9月29日
Notes: 12月4日
Poster: 1月19日
これとは別に、PacificVAST, Visual Storytelling Contest といった
The 11th IEEE Pacific Visualization Symposium (PacificVis 2018) will be held in
Kobe, Japan during April 10 to 13, 2018. Visualization has become an
increasingly important research area due to its wide range of applications in
many disciplines. PacificVis is an IEEE sponsored international visualization
symposium held in the Asia-Pacific region, with the objective to foster greater
exchange between visualization researchers and practitioners, and to draw more
researchers in the Asia-Pacific region to enter this rapidly growing area of
PacificVis is a unified visualization symposium, welcoming all areas of
visualization research such as: information visualization, scientific
visualization, graph and network visualization, visual analytics, and specific
applications such as (but not limited to) security-, software- and
bio-visualization. Authors are invited to submit original and unpublished
research and application papers in all areas of visualization. We encourage
papers in any new, novel, and exciting research area that pertains to
***** CALL FOR PAPERS *****
*** Full Papers
All submitted papers will go through a two-stage review process to guarantee the
publication of high-quality papers. All papers accepted by IEEE Pacific
Visualization 2018 will be published by IEEE and will be also included in the
IEEE Digital Library. Selected papers will be published directly in IEEE
Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics (TVCG).
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Abstract due Sep. 22, 2017
Full paper due Sep. 29, 2017
Reviews due Nov. 5, 2017
1st cycle notification Nov. 20, 2017
Revision due Jan. 5, 2018
2nd cycle notification Jan. 22, 2018
Camera ready paper due Feb. 2, 2018
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All deadlines are at 9:00 pm Pacific Time (PDT).
Suggested topics include, but are not limited to:
Visualization Application Areas:
- Statistical Graphics And Mathematics
- Financial, Security And Business Visualization
- Physical Sciences And Engineering
- Earth, Space, And Environmental Sciences
- Geographic/Geospatial/ Terrain Visualization
- Molecular, Biomedical, Bioinformatics And Medical Visualization
- Text, Documents And Software Visualization
- Social, Ambient And Information Sciences
- Education And Everyday Visualization
- Multimedia (Image/Video/Music) Visualization
- Any Other Non-Spatial Data Or Spatial Data That Is Visualized With A New
Spatial Mapping
Data Focused Visualization Research:
- High-Dimensional Data And Dimensionality Reduction And Data Compression
- Multidimensional Multi-Field, Multi-Modal, Multi-Resolution And Multivariate
- Causality And Uncertainty Data
- Time Series, Time Varying, Streaming And Flow Data
- Scalar, Vector And Tensor Fields
- Regular And Unstructured Grids
- Point-Based Data
- Large Scale Data (Petabytes, ...)
Technique Focused Visualization Research:
- Volume Modeling And Rendering
- Extraction Of Surfaces
- Topology-Based And Geometry-Based Techniques
- Glyph-Based Techniques
- Integrating Spatial And Non-Spatial Data Visualization
- Machine-Learning Approaches
Graph And Network Visualization Research:
- Design And Experimentation Of Graph Drawing Algorithms
- Techniques, Interfaces And Interaction Methods For Graphs, Trees, And Other
Relational Data
- Visualization Of Graphs And Networks In Application Areas (e.g., Social
Sciences, Biology, Geography, Software Engineering, Circuit Design, Business
- Interfaces And Interaction Techniques For Graph And Network Visualizations
- Benchmarks And Experimental Analysis For Graph Visualization Systems And
User Interfaces
Interaction Focused Visualization Research:
- Icon- And Glyph-Based Visualization
- Focus + Context Techniques
- Animation
- Zooming And Navigation
- Linking + Brushing
- Coordinated Multiple Views
- View-Dependent Visualization
- Data Labeling, Editing And Annotation
- Collaborative, Co-Located And Distributed Visualization
- Manipulation And Deformation
- Visual Data Mining And Visual Knowledge Discovery
Empirical And Comprehension Focused Visualization Research:
- Visual Design And Aesthetics
- Illustrative Visualization
- Cognition And Perception Issues
- Cognitive Studies On Graph Drawing Readability And User Interaction
- Presentation, Dissemination And Storytelling
- Design Studies, Case Studies And Focus Groups
- Task And Requirements Analysis
- Metrics And Benchmarks
- Evaluations Of All Types: Qualitative, Quantitative, Laboratory, Field, And
Usability Studies
- Use Of Eye Tracking And Other Biometric Measures
- Validation And Verification Perception Theory Including Such Factors As
Color Texture, Scene, Motion Perception, Perceptual Cognition
System Focused Visualization Research:
- Novel Algorithms And Mathematics
- Mobile And Ubiquitous
- Taxonomies And Models
- Methodologies, Discussions And Frameworks
- Visual Design, Visualization System And Toolkit Design
- Data Warehousing, Database Visualization And Data Mining
- Collaborative And Distributed Visualization
- Mathematical Theories For Visualization
Hardware, Display And Interaction Technology:
- Large And High-Res Displays
- Stereo Displays
- Mobile And Ubiquitous Environments
- Immersive And Virtual Environments
- Multimodal Input (Touch, Haptics, Voice, Etc.)
- Hardware Acceleration
- GPUs And Multi-Core Architectures
- CPU And GPU Clusters
- Distributed Systems, Grid And Cloud Environments
- Volume Graphics Hardware
Original unpublished papers of up to ten (10) pages (two-column, single-spaced,
9 point font, including figures, tables and references) are invited. Manuscripts
must be written in English, and follow the formatting guidelines. Reviewing will
be double blind, please remove all author and affiliation information from
submissions and supplemental files. Please substitute your paper's ID number for
the author name. Papers should be submitted electronically in Adobe PDF format.
Please provide supplemental videos in QuickTime MPEG-4 or DivX version 5, and
use TIFF, JPEG, or PNG for supplemental images.
Formatting Guidelines Submission System
Note: This page has previously shown a link to the formatting guidelines for the
last year. If you started with your paper using that guidelines, do not worry.
There is no update about the guidelines for this year. The link to the
fortammting guidelines you see in the previous paragraph points to the same page
as one we tentatively provided.
- Stefan Bruckner, University of Bergen, Norway
- Koji Koyamada, Kyoto University, Japan
- Bongshin Lee, Microsoft Research, USA
A VIS paper typically falls into one of five categories: technique, system,
design study, evaluation, or model. We briefly discuss these categories below.
Although your main paper type has to be specified during the paper submission
process, papers can include elements of more than one of these categories.
Please see "Process and Pitfalls in Writing Information Visualization Research
Papers" by Tamara Munzner for more detailed discussion on how to write a
successful VIS paper.
TECHNIQUE PAPERS introduce novel techniques or algorithms that have not
previously appeared in the literature, or that significantly extend known
techniques or algorithms, for example by scaling to datasets of much larger size
than before or by generalizing a technique to a larger class of uses. The
technique or algorithm description provided in the paper should be complete
enough that a competent graduate student in visualization could implement the
work, and the authors should create a prototype implementation of the methods.
Relevant previous work must be referenced, and the advantage of the new methods
over it should be clearly demonstrated. There should be a discussion of the
tasks and datasets for which this new method is appropriate, and its
limitations. Evaluation through informal or formal user studies, or other
methods, will often serve to strengthen the paper, but are not mandatory.
SYSTEM PAPERS present a blend of algorithms, technical requirements, user
requirements, and design that solves a major problem. The system that is
described is both novel and important, and has been implemented. The rationale
for significant design decisions is provided, and the system is compared to
documented, best-of-breed systems already in use. The comparison includes
specific discussion of how the described system differs from and is, in some
significant respects, superior to those systems. For example, the described
system may offer substantial advancements in the performance or usability of
visualization systems, or novel capabilities. Every effort should be made to
eliminate external factors (such as advances in processor performance, memory
sizes or operating system features) that would affect this comparison. For
further suggestions, please review "How (and How Not) to Write a Good Systems
Paper" by Roy Levin and David Redell, and "Empirical Methods in CS and AI" by
Toby Walsh.
APPLICATION / DESIGN STUDY PAPERS explore the choices made when applying
visualization and visual analytics techniques in an application area, for
example relating the visual encodings and interaction techniques to the
requirements of the target task. Similarly, Application papers have been the
norm when researchers describe the use of visualization techniques to glean
insights from problems in engineering and science. Although a significant amount
of application domain background information can be useful to provide a framing
context in which to discuss the specifics of the target task, the primary focus
of the case study must be the visualization content. The results of the
Application / Design Study, including insights generated in the application
domain, should be clearly conveyed. Describing new techniques and algorithms
developed to solve the target problem will strengthen a design study paper, but
the requirements for novelty are less stringent than in a Technique paper. Where
necessary, the identification of the underlying parametric space and its
efficient search must be aptly described. The work will be judged by the design
lessons learned or insights gleaned, on which future contributors can build. We
invite submissions on any application area.
EVALUATION PAPERS explore the usage of visualization and visual analytics by
human users, and typically present an empirical study of visualization
techniques or systems. Authors are not necessarily expected to implement the
systems used in these studies themselves; the research contribution will be
judged on the validity and importance of the experimental results as opposed to
the novelty of the systems or techniques under study. The conference committee
appreciates the difficulty and importance of designing and performing rigorous
experiments, including the definition of appropriate hypotheses, tasks, data
sets, selection of subjects, measurement, validation and conclusions. The goal
of such efforts should be to move from mere description of experiments, toward
prediction and explanation. We do suggest that potential authors who have not
had formal training in the design of experiments involving human subjects may
wish to partner with a colleague from an area such as psychology or
human-computer interaction who has experience with designing rigorous
experimental protocols and statistical analysis of the resulting data. Other
novel forms of evaluation are also encouraged.
THEORY/MODEL PAPERS present new interpretations of the foundational theory of
visualization and visual analytics. Implementations are usually not relevant for
papers in this category. Papers should focus on basic advancement in our
understanding of how visualization techniques complement and exploit properties
of human vision and cognition.
*** Visualization Notes
The detail to be announced.
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Notes Deadline Dec. 4, 2017
Notes Notification Jan. 12, 2018
Camera ready Notes due Feb. 2, 2018
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*** Posters
The 11th IEEE Pacific Visualization Symposium (PacificVis 2018) will be held in
Kobe, Japan during April 10 to 13, 2018. PacificVis 2018 is soliciting high
quality poster proposals. The PacificVis 2018 poster program is welcoming all
areas of visualization research such as: information, scientific, graph,
security, software and bio-visualization. Authors are encouraged to submit work
in progress and practical applications to demonstrate novel and applicable ideas
in all aspects of visualization.
An interactive poster session will be held to allow plenty of opportunities for
one-on-one dialogue and small group discussion in a casual setting. Extended
abstracts of the accepted posters will be included in the electronic conference
proceedings (USB memory stick distributed to conference attendants).
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Poster papers submission deadline Jan. 19, 2018
Poster papers notification Feb. 7, 2018
Camera ready poster papers due Feb. 21, 2018
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Submissions should be made electronically in Adobe PDF by the deadline. Poster
abstract submissions of up to 2 pages (two-column, single-spaced, 9 point font,
including figures and tables) are invited. Manuscripts must be written in
English, and follow the formatting guidelines. The posters will be peer-reviewed
in a one-stage single-blind process. Posters will be evaluated by the PacificVis
2018 Poster Co-Chairs based on the level of contribution, validity of the
results, originality, and clarity of presentation. The reviewing will be based
primarily on the abstract content but will consider other supplemental materials
(videos, images, and so on) if provided.
Poster Presentation
Accepted poster will be presented at the poster session of the conference. The
final posters should be printed with no larger than paper size A0 size (841mm x
1189mm / 33.1a?3 x 46.8a?3). At least one author of an accepted poster must register
for and attend the conference to present the work. Authors will also be required
to present a brief summary of their talk at the fast-forward session.
For questions regarding poster submission, please do not hesitate to contact the
chairs directly via pvis_posters(at)pvis.org
Posters Co-Chairs
- Chongke Bi, Tianjin University, China
- Masahiko Itoh, The University of Tokyo, Japan
- Puripant Ruchikachorn, Chulalongkorn University, Thailand
Takayuki Itoh (伊藤貴之) (itot @ is.ocha.ac.jp)
Dept. of Information Sciences, Ochanomizu University
image メーリングリストの案内