[image 02661] ICPRAI 2018のご案内

Masaki Nakagawa nakagawa @ cc.tuat.ac.jp
2017年 9月 22日 (金) 16:50:47 JST



来年5月にカナダ・モントリオールで開催される パターン認識と人工知能についての国際会議ICPRAI 
2018 - International Conference on Pattern Recognition and Artificial 

Track 1: Recognition of different types of patterns, handwriting,
          documents, texts, and strategic objects and targets.
Track 2: Computer vision and image processing, medical imaging, 2D and
          3D images...
Track 3: Artificial Intelligence, machine learning, neural networks,
          SVM, deep learning...
Track 4: Biometrics, forensics and security, mobile applications,
          big data, small sample size, data mining


Special Session: Computer Assisted and Automated Marking of
         Descriptive Answers
これ以外にも次のSpecial Sessionがあります.
* Recent advances on hierarchical image representations
   for the processing and the analysis of complex imaging data
* Criminal and Forensic Science
* CALL in the Context of Teaching and Learning Chinese
   as a Foreign Language
* Image Quality Assessment
* Pattern Recognition and Artificial Intelligence in
   Medical Biological Sciences
* Digital Histopathology
* Lognormality Principle and its Applications
* Image Mining: Mathematical Theory and Applications


Concordia大学 CENPARMIの30周年を記念してのイベントで
C. Suen 先生がはりきっておられ,基調講演は豪華です.

•  Dr. Edwin Hancock
•  Dr. Diana Inkpen
•  Dr. Henry C. Lee
•  Dr. Igor B. Gurevich and Dr. Vera V. Yashina
•  Dr. Joelle Pineau
•  Dr. Patrick S. P. Wang
•  Dr. Patrick H. Winston

詳しくはhttp://www.icprai2018.com/ をご参照ください.

Masaki Nakagawa
Dept. of Computer and Information Sciences
Tokyo Univ. of Agri. & Tech.
Naka-cho 2-24-16, Koganei, Tokyo, 184-8588, Japan
phone & fax: +81-423-88-7144
e-mail: nakagawa @ cc.tuat.ac.jp

image メーリングリストの案内