[image 02951] IEEE CE Magazineの自動車関連ディスプレイ&インターフェース特集号への論文投稿お願い
haruhiko.okumura @ toshiba.co.jp
haruhiko.okumura @ toshiba.co.jp
2018年 4月 3日 (火) 13:21:31 JST
IEEE CE Magazineの自動車関連ディスプレイ&インターフェース特集号への論文投稿お願い
いま注目されているIoT、AR&VR、ロボットなどを含むIEEE主催の民生機器関連の論文誌の中でも、もっともインパクトファクターの高いIEEE CE Magazineの自動車関連AR/VRインターフェースに関する論文特集号の募集が下記のとおり開始されました。
ST09: AR&VR Display and Human Interface Technologies for Automobile (AVA)
Special Issue on AR&VR Display and Human Interface Technologies for Automobile
投稿期限: 6月30日
URL: http://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/cemag
論文査読: 8月31日
採択結果: 9月30日
論文発行: 12月末
(株)東芝 研究開発センター
haruhiko.okumura @ toshiba.co.jp
Call for Paper for IEEE CE Magazine
Special Issue on AR&VR Display and Human Interface Technologies for Automobile
Submissions should follow IEEE standard template and should consist of the following: (i) A manuscript of maximum 6-page length: A pdf of the complete manuscript layout with figures, tables placed within the text, (ii) A source file in Word or Latex format, and (iii) High resolution original photos and graphics as JPEG files are required for the final submission. Images embedded in Word or Excel documents are not suitable; however, figures and graphics may be provided in a PowerPoint slide deck, with one figure/graphic per slide. Articles which have been previously published at a conference needs to have at least 40% new material as clarified in the cover letter of the submission The manuscripts need to be submitted online using the following URL: http://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/cemag. The authors need to select "Special Section: AR&VR Display and Human Interface for Automobile (AVA)" in Step-1 of submission process to ensure that the article is reviewed for this Special Call. For any questions, please contact guest editor Dr. Haruhiko Okumura.
Submission deadline: June 30, 2018
URL: http://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/cemag
Reviews due (accept/reject notification): August 31, 2018 Notification of final acceptance: September 30, 2018
Publication: End of 2018
Haruhiko Okumura, Toshiba Corporation Research & Development Center, Japan, haruhiko.okumura @ toshiba.co.jp
奥村 治彦
(株)東芝 研究開発センター
/千葉大 客員教授
千葉大学大学院 工学研究院
Haruhiko Okumura, Ph.D, IEEE Fellow
Toshiba Corp. Corporate Research & Development Center Research & Development Division Media AI Laboratory /Chiba Univ. Guest Professor 1, Komukai-Toshiba-cho, Saiwai-ku, Kawasaki, 212-8582, JAPAN
email: haruhiko.okumura @ toshiba.co.jp
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