[image 02958] 講演会(4/27)のご案内

Akihiro Sugimoto sugimoto @ nii.ac.jp
2018年 4月 9日 (月) 14:45:27 JST




日時: 4月27日(金) 16:00〜18:15
場所: 国立情報学研究所 19F 1901&1902号室

----------------------- talk #1 -----------------------------
Speaker:  Dr. Zuzana Kukelova
             Dept. of Cybernetics
                Czech Technical University in Prague

Fast Grobner basis solvers for computer vision problems

Many problems in computer vision, but also in other field such as robotics,
control design or economics, can be formulated using systems of polynomial
For computer vision problems, general algorithms for solving polynomial
systems cannot be efficiently applied. The reasons are twofold - computer
vision and robotic applications usually require real time solutions, or
they often solve systems of polynomial equations for millions of different
instances. Several approaches based on algebraic geometry have been
recently proposed for the design of very efficient algorithms (solvers)
that solve specific classes of systems of polynomial equations.
In this talk we will briefly discuss such method for creating efficient
solvers of systems of polynomial equations. This method is based on Grobner
bases and it uses the structure of the system of polynomial equations
representing a particular problem to design an efficient specific solver
for this problem. We will discuss several approaches for improving the
efficiency of the final solvers. We will also introduce the automatic
generator of Grobner basis solvers which could be used even by non-experts
to efficiently solve problems resulting in systems of polynomial
equations. Finally, we will demonstrate the usefulness of the approach by
presenting new, efficient and numerical stable solutions to several
important computer vision problems and problems from robotics.

------------------- talk #2 -----------------------------
Speaker:  Prof. Tomas Pajdla 
                Czech Institute of Informatics, Robotics and Cybernetics,
                Czech Technical University in Prague

Title: On the Two-View Geometry of Unsynchronized Cameras

We will present a method for simultaneously estimating camera geometry 
and time  shift from video sequences from multiple unsynchronized
cameras. We estimate fundamental matrices and homographies and the
unknown time shift between images. We use minimal correspondence sets
(eight for fundamental matrix and four and a half for homography), and
hence our approach is suitable for robust estimation using RANSAC.
Furthermore, we present an iterative algorithm that extends the
applicability on sequences which are significantly unsynchronized, finding
the correct time shift up to several seconds. We evaluate the
methods on synthetic and wide range of real world datasets and the
results show a broad applicability to the problem of camera synchronization.


image メーリングリストの案内