[image 03170] 【開催案内再送】DSP for In-Vehicle and Mobile Systems (10/7-9)
Takatsugu HIRAYAMA
hirayama @ cmc.ss.is.nagoya-u.ac.jp
2018年 8月 30日 (木) 13:34:41 JST
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Biennial Workshop on DSP for In-Vehicle and Mobile Systems$B$r(B
Autoware (https://www.autoware.ai/) $B$N%A%e!<%H%j%"%k$b3+:EM=Dj$G$9!%(B
$B:G?7>pJs$O(B https://www.dsp-workshop.org/ $B$r$43NG'$/$@$5$$!%(B
The 8th Biennial Workshop on DSP for In-Vehicle and Mobile Systems
Cutting Edge of the Data Analytics for Human-Vehicular Systems
October 7-9, Nagoya University, Nagoya Japan
Since the inception of the first Biennial Workshop on DSP for In-Vehicle
and Mobile Systems in Nagoya 2003, progress based on data analytics have
completely changed the technologies of Human-Vehicle systems. At that
time in 2003, the ability to achieve recognition of distant speech voice
commands, deep learning for object detection, as well as fully
autonomous driving had not been regarded as an industrial reality for
almost 10 years later. Now, with rapid advancements by diverse
researchers worldwide, these domains have working realizations, and so
the next main challenge is the integration of them towards more human
friendly and society friendly automated systems. In this next workshop
to take place in Nagoya in 2018, we will re-focus on the technologies of
data analytics in speech/audio, computer vision and intelligent vehicle
advancements under the perspectives of human harmonizing systems. The
workshop organization will include inviting three distinctive keynote
speakers from speech, vision and vehicle areas. We also invite
stakeholders from industry, government for an open discussion/engaging
panel discussion with researchers on the future deployment of autonomous
and intelligent systems. As in previous workshops, extended articles in
the selected presentations will be included in the next volume of the De
Gruyter Book series "DSP, human-to-vehicle interfaces, driver behavior,
and safety." The Organizing Committee looks forward to seeing you in
Nagoya, and contributing your thoughts and expertise as signal
processing research advances for next generation vehicle/driver systems.
1. Scopes of the workshop
The scopes of the workshop include but not limited to the signal
processing related to the following topics; Human-Machine Interactions
(Speech understanding, synthesis, virtual reality, gesture, dialogues,
multimodality, etc.), Computer Visions (Image recognition, tracking,
segmentation, depth map, visual slam, etc.), Intelligent Vehicle (Driver
behavior, path planning, sensor fusion, point cloud, dynamic map, etc.).
2. Workshop program (tentative)
- Day 1, October 7 (10:00-19:00): Autoware tutorial, opening, keynote and reception
- Day 2, October 8 (9:00-20:00): Presentations/posters, keynote and dinner
- Day 3, October 9 (9:00-15:00): Presentations, keynote, panel and closing
3. Conference organizing committee
General chairs:
Kazuya Takeda (Nagoya U), Huseyin Abut (San Diego State U), John Hansen
(UT at Dallas), Gerhard Schmidt (U of Kiel)
Conference chairs:
Norihide Kitaoka (Tokushima U), Takatsugu Hirayama (Nagoya U), Hirofumi
Aoki (Nagoya U)
Program chairs:
Tomoki Toda (Nagoya U, Speech), Daisuke Deguchi (Nagoya U, Computer
Vision), Chunzhao Guo (Toyota CRDL, Vehicle)
Publicity chair:
David Robert Wong (Nagoya U)
Local secretaries:
Chiyomi Miyajima (Daido U), Chika Ando (Nagoya U)
4. Conference sponsor/co-sponsors
Nagoya University, JST (COI/OPERA/MIRAI), IEEE ITS Society Nagoya/Tokyo
chapters, IEEE SP Society Tokyo JC
5. Contact
secretary @ g.sp.m.is.nagoya-u.ac.jp
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E-mail: takatsugu.hirayama @ nagoya-u.jp
TEL(I%(BFAX: 052-789-3310
image メーリングリストの案内