[image 03330] 講演会のお知らせ: Prof. Winston Hsu, National Taiwan University
Shin'ichi Satoh
satoh @ nii.ac.jp
2018年 12月 6日 (木) 15:31:00 JST
国立情報学研究所の佐藤真一です。National Taiwan UniversityのWinston
-- Shin'ichi
日時: 2019年1月10日(木) 11:00-12:00
場所: 国立情報学研究所 12階 会議室1208
Approximating Human Perception via Multimodal Data Streams
Speaker: Dr. Winston Hsu,
Professor, National Taiwan University
Director, NVIDIA AI Lab (NTU)
Images, videos, audio, 3D point clouds (from LiDAR or RGB-D), etc., are major data types nowadays essential for disruptive opportunities in domains such as entertainment, security, healthcare, manufacturing, etc. Such multimodal data streams bring rich and diverse aspects for sensing the the real world and being able to approximate human cognitive capabilities for further manipulations. However, the current techniques are far behind the dire needs. In this talk, aiming to leverage the multimodal data streams, we will focus on very challenging computer vision problems ranging from large-scale object localization, disguised face recognition, low-resolution human recognition, fine-grained action recognition, 3D semantic labeling, etc. We will review the lessons we learned as designing the advanced neural networks which accommodate the multimodal signals in an end-to-end manner. Meanwhile, we identify few key criteria for realizing them into deployed applications as collaborating with the leading industry partners. We will evaluate and compare the effective neural networks components with the state-of-the-art over the public benchmarks.
Short Bio:
Prof. Winston Hsu is an active researcher dedicated to large-scale image/video retrieval/mining, visual recognition, and machine intelligence. He is a Professor in the Department of Computer Science and Information Engineering, National Taiwan University and co-leads Communication and Multimedia Lab (CMLab). He and his team have been recognized with technical awards in multimedia and computer vision research communities including IBM Research Pat Goldberg Memorial Best Paper Award (2018), Best Brave New Idea Paper Award in ACM Multimedia 2017, First Place for IARPA Disguised Faces in the Wild Competition (CVPR 2018), Third Place (mini-track) for Moments in Time Challenge (video action recognition) in CVPR 2018,Third Place for 2018 IEEE Signal Processing Society Video and Image Processing (VIP) Cup, First Prize in ACM Multimedia Grand Challenge 2011, First Place in MSR-Bing Image Retrieval Challenge 2013, ACM Multimedia 2013/2014 Grand Challenge Multimodal Award, ACM Multimedia 2006 Best Paper Runner-Up, etc.
Prof. Hsu is keen to realizing advanced researches towards business deliverables via academia-industry collaborations and co-founding startups. Working closely with the industry, he was a Visiting Scientist at Microsoft Research Redmond (2014) and had his 1-year sabbatical leave (2016-2017) at IBM TJ Watson Research Center, New York, to enhance Watson’s visual cognition, where he contributed the first AI produced movie trailer. He is the Founding Director for NVIDIA AI Lab (NTU), the 1st in Asia. He received Ph.D. (2007) from Columbia University, New York. Before that, he was a founding engineer and research manager in CyberLink Corp. He serves as the Associate Editor for IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology (TCSVT) and IEEE Transactions on Multimedia, two premier journals, and was in the Editorial Board for IEEE Multimedia Magazine (2010 - 2017). He also co-organized several premier conferences such as ACM Multimedia, ACCV, ICME, ICMR, ICIP, etc.
image メーリングリストの案内