[image 02886] 東北大助教(任期付)公募のお知らせ

Takayuki Okatani okatani @ vision.is.tohoku.ac.jp
2018年 2月 10日 (土) 09:37:45 JST






Subject: Assistant Professor position (term limited) in Machine Learning

Graduate School of Information Sciences, Tohoku University, Japan, is
seeking for applicants for the position of an

Assistant Professor in Machine Learning and its Related Fields.
A successful candidate will be involved in International Joint Graduate
Program of Data Science as a data science researcher and teaching staff.

DEADLINE:    June 27, 2016

Duties and responsibilities
(1) Research on machine learning or related research fields.
(2) Education of data science including instructions in practical training
    project-based learning.
(3) Participation in international joint research collaboration with partner
    universities and guidance to Ph.D students in the research collaboration.

Required qualifications and experience
(1) Ph.D degree and research experience
(2) Communication and interpersonal skills
(3) Native-level English language skills
(4) Interest in research collaboration with the postgraduate students.

Starting at August 1, 2016, the contract is reviewed every year,
and will continue until March 31, 2021 at the longest.

Additional information:

Informal inquiries:
Prof. Mitsuyuki Nakao, nakao @ ecei.tohoku.ac.jp
Prof. Takeshi Tokuyama, tokuyama @ dais.is.tohoku.ac.jp

image メーリングリストの案内