[image 03113] CFP: ACM VRST2018 論文投稿募集のご案内
Shunsuke Yoshimoto
yoshimoto @ bpe.es.osaka-u.ac.jp
2018年 7月 25日 (水) 10:23:11 JST
ACM VRST 2018の論文投稿募集のご案内をお送りします.
ACM VRSTはXR (VR/AR/MR)を中心としたソフトウエアや技術に関わるACM主催の国際会議です.
24th ACM Symposium on Virtual Reality Software and Technology
フル・ショートペーパー抄録投稿締切:2018年 8月15日
ポスター・デモ原稿投稿締切 :2018年 9月1日
早期割引登録:2018年 11月1日
The ACM Symposium on Virtual Reality Software and Technology (VRST) is
the premier international symposium for the presentation of new
research results, systems, and techniques among researchers and
developers concerned with augmented, virtual and mixed reality
(AR/VR/MR, XR for short) software and technology.
VRST brings together the main international research groups working on
XR, along with many of the world’s leading companies that provide or
utilize XR systems. VRST 2018 will be held in Tokyo, Japan, hosted by
Waseda University, from Wednesday, Nov. 28th to Saturday, Dec. 1st,
2018. The event is sponsored by ACM SIGCHI and SIGGRAPH.
VRST 2018 welcomes submissions of research papers that relate (but not
limited) to topics given below.
- XR technology and devices
- Advanced display technologies and immersive projection technologies
- Low-latency and high-performance XR
- Multi-user and distributed XR
- XR software infrastructures
- XR authoring systems
- HCI for XR
- Real-time techniques for XR
- Haptics, smell and taste
- Computer graphics techniques for XR
- Computer vision techniques for XR
- Modeling and simulation
- AI approaches for XR
- XR applications
Submissions in other related areas are also welcome. See the symposium
website for more details: https://vrst.acm.org/vrst2018
Authors are invited to submit papers of no more than 10 pages for full
papers and 4 pages for short papers. 2-column "teaser" figures on the
front page are allowed. All submissions must be in English. All
accepted papers will be published in the Symposium Proceedings and
will be included in the ACM Digital Library (EI-indexed). Papers and
poster abstracts should be prepared using the "sigconf" ACM template
style. ACM article templates (LaTeX and Word) are available from:
VRST uses a double-blind review process. Therefore, submissions and
supporting materials (e.g., videos) should not contain information
(including citations) that unnecessarily identifies the authors or
their institutions or places of work. All submissions must be made
electronically as PDF files. Authors are encouraged to submit videos
to aid the program committee in the review of their submissions, but
should make sure all necessary codecs are included.
Extended versions of two or three best papers from VRST 2018 will be
invited to resubmit to IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer
We also invite submissions of Poster and Demo papers (2 pages). We
particularly encourage industrial researchers, startups, and
researchers early in their careers to submit. Accepted Poster and Demo
papers will be published in the Symposium Proceedings and will be
included in the ACM Digital Library.
Papers, posters, and demos must be submitted through the online submission site:
Details about the submission procedure can be found on the symposium website:
Important Dates
- August 15, 2018 (23:59 AoE(Anywhere on Earth)) Papers with all
material submission deadline
- September 01, 2018(23:59 AoE(Anywhere on Earth)) Posters and demos
submission deadline
- September 25, 2018 Author notification papers, posters and demos
- October 1, 2018 Camera-ready papers due
- November 1, 2018 Early bird registration
- November 28 - December 1, 2018 Conference in Tokyo, Japan
Program Chairs
papers2018 @ vrst.acm.org
- Yuichi Itoh, Osaka University
- Takaaki Shiratori, Facebook
- Yonghao Yue, University of Tokyo
- Rob Lindeman, University of Canterbury
Poster Chairs
posters2018 @ vrst.am.org
- Takashi Ijiri, Shibaura Institute of Tech.
- Hideki Todo, Chuo Gakuin University
- Hubert Shum, Northumbria University
- Hideki Koike, TITECH
Demo Chairs
demos2018 @ vrst.am.org
- Takashi Ijiri, Shibaura Institute of Tech.
- Hideki Todo, Chuo Gakuin University
- Hubert Shum, Northumbria University
- Hideki Koike, TITECH
image メーリングリストの案内