[image 03280] XR and Education Meeting in Tokyo, co-located with VRCAI and SIGGRAPH Asia, December 3rd, 2018

Ayumi Miyai ayumi.miyai @ cgarts.or.jp
2018年 11月 9日 (金) 17:14:31 JST


お世話になっております CG-ARTSの宮井あゆみと申します。

この会議は、VRCAIとSIGGRAPH AsiaのCo-located、ACM SIGGRAPH Education 
Committee 主催で行われます。

XR and education meeting in Tokyo

Do you teach courses for VR content development or AR app development? 
Are you working on school curriculum for a degree focus on XR 
development? We are a group of educators who are willing to develop good 
school curriculum and outline courses for VR/AR content development. 
Please come and join us.

The ED-EX preparation group is holding a meeting and discussion, 
co-located with VRCAI and SIGGRAPH Asia 2018 Tokyo this December. This 
meeting is sponsored by the ACM SIGGRAPH Education Committee. We hope 
that educators, administrators, and researchers who teach and/or develop 
curricula for XR related subjects will be able to join this meeting.

We will have two discussions. The first will discuss the current status 
of XR (VR, AR, MR) technology, applications and content development in 
education. This includes courses, curricula and degree programs which 
focus on XR, and how educators and educational institutions are 
responding to recent developments in XR technologies and applications. 
We aim to produce a report based on this discussion.
The second discussion will focus on planning our first official 
workshop, ED-EX 2019, which will be co-located with SIGGRAPH Asia 2019 
Brisbane. We are excited to announce this workshop proposal, which 
includes hands-on XR training for educators and peer-reviewed position 
paper discussions.

Meeting Date and Location:
Monday December 3rd, 2018, Time 9:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. Japan time
Keio University Mita Campus (co-located with VRCAI)

Please sign up here: https://goo.gl/forms/llCeJNmGyc7K1Awm1

There is 500 yen (about $4.5 US dollar) meeting fee for covering 
refreshments and a part of equipment costs.

ED-XR organizers
Miho Aoki and June Kim

If you have any questions, please send messages to Miho at 
maoki3 @ alaska.edu.


事務局長 宮井あゆみ 
ayumi.miyai @ cgarts.or.jp
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