[image 03415] 公募情報 - Northumbria University
Takashi Ijiri
takashi.ijiri80 @ gmail.com
2019年 2月 10日 (日) 17:39:57 JST
Image-ML/CGVI-ML の皆さま
Northumbria UniversityのHubert Shum先生に代わりまして
We are hiring for 3 positions of Vice-Chancellor’s Fellow and multiple
positions on Lecturer/Senior Lecturer.
Applicants interested in both are encouraged to apply them all. Here
are some details:
-- Vice-Chancellor’s Fellow in Computer and Information Sciences (3 positions)
Job advertisement:
These fellowship positions are paid in Lecturer/Senior Lecturer salary
grade, and are expected to “take up a Lecturer or Senior Lecturer role
within your academic department” at the end of the contract (see
They are research-focused and have a reduced amount of teaching load.
-- Lecturer/Senior Lecturer in Computer and Information Sciences
(multiple positions, advertisements will be online in late February)
These positions are equivalent to Assistant Professor in the American
system. They are all permanent positions upon recruitment. Applicants
are expected to deliver high-quality research and teaching, to apply
for internal/external funding and to supervise PhD students. Please
stay tuned at https://www.northumbria.ac.uk/work-for-us/job-vacancies/
The Department of Computer & Information Sciences at Northumbria
University was recently ranked 251–300 in THE Computer Science World
University Subject Rankings with an estimated World Rank of 260th,
equating to a UK rank of =30th (alongside Cardiff and York). We just
hired 8 permanent faculty members in 2017/18, and have planned to hire
another 6-8 in 2018/19. Now the department consists of 70 permanent
staff members and is one of the largest Computer/Information Sciences
department in the UK. We organize international conferences such as
BMVC 2018and ACM SIGGRAPH Conference in Motion, Interaction and Games
As the Director of Research in my department and the Group Leader of
the Visual Computing research group, I am pleased to see that we have
rapid improvement in research income and research publication, thanks
to the continuous strategy to strengthen the university’s research
power in the past 5 years. If you wish to know more about the
position, please kindly let me know.
Dr. Hubert P. H. Shum
Associate Professor (Reader)
Director of Research and Innovation
REF Unit of Assessment Lead
Department of Computer and Information Sciences
Faculty of Engineering and Environment
Northumbria University
Newcastle upon Tyne, NE1 8ST, United Kingdom
Email: hubert.shum @ northumbria.ac.uk
Web page: http://info.hubertshum.com
image メーリングリストの案内