[image 03399] 再送: 講演会(1/31)のご案内

Akihiro Sugimoto sugimoto @ nii.ac.jp
2019年 1月 30日 (水) 16:13:12 JST




On Wed, 16 Jan 2019 18:46:22 +0900
Akihiro Sugimoto <sugimoto @ nii.ac.jp> wrote:

> 各位
> 下記の講演会を開催しますので、ご興味のある方は奮ってご参加
> ください。事前登録不要、参加費不要です。
> 杉本
> -----------
> 日時:   1/31(木)   17:00-18:00
> 場所:   国立情報学研究所 1903号室 (19F)
>     (東京都千代田区一ツ橋2-1-2)
>      https://www.nii.ac.jp/about/access/
> 講演者: Dr. Yukiko Kenmochi 
>   (CNRS Research Associate at Laboratoire d'Informatique
>   Gaspard-Monge, Universite Paris-Est, France)
> タイトル: Rigid transformations of digital images: discrete approach
> 概要:
> Rigid transformations consisting of rotations and translations are among
> the most fundamental transformations in digital image processing. They are
> often involved in a variety of applications such as image registration,
> motion tracking, and shape recognition. In Euclidean space, such
> equidistant transformation is bijective and any shape is unchanged. In
> contrast, in the discrete domain, neither bijection nor geometry nor
> topology are guaranteed in general, due to the discontinuities induced by
> the digitization processes. In other words, applying rigid transformations
> mostly degrade digital images. In order to avoid losing such control of
> geometry and topology in the discrete space, we aim to develop a purely
> discrete framework for rigid transformations on the discrete space, based
> on digital geometry and topology concepts. In this talk, we present some
> recent solutions for the two-dimensional problems, with discussions of
> difficulty of extending those to higher dimensions.
> Bio:
> Yukiko Kenmochi is a CNRS Research Associate at Laboratoire d'Informatique
> Gaspard-Monge, Universite Paris-Est, France, where she has been since 2004
> as a member of the research group of A3SI (Algorithmes, Architectures,
> Analysis and Synthesis of Images). From 2003 to 2004, she worked at Okayama
> University as a Lecturer. During 1998-2003 she was a Research Associate at
> Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology. She was also a JSPS
> fellow from 2000 to 2002 and stayed at Ecole Superieure d'Ingenieurs en
> Electrotechnique et Electronique (ESIEE Paris), France. She received the
> Ph.D. in computer science from Chiba University in 1998, and the degree of
> Habilitation a Diriger des Recherches from Universite Paris-Est in 2018. Her
> research interests include discrete geometry for computer imagery.
> --------------

image メーリングリストの案内