[image 03623] [論文募集] ICCV 2019 MDALC Workshop (Zero-Shot, Few-Shot, Meta, Cross-Domain Learning)
Nakamasa Inoue
inoue @ c.titech.ac.jp
2019年 7月 8日 (月) 10:41:53 JST
ICCV 2019で下記のワークショップを開催致します。
Multi-Discipline Approach for Learning Concepts - Zero-Shot, One-Shot, Few-Shot and Beyond
詳細: http://www.lsfsl.net/ws/
投稿締切: 2019年7月26日 (実際には延長する予定です)
開催日: 2019年10月27日 (ICCV2019併催のためSeoulでの開催です)
井上 中順
**** Call for Papers: MDALC Workshop in conjunction with ICCV 2019 ****
The 1st Workshop on Multi-Discipline Approach for Learning Concepts - Zero-Shot, One-Shot, Few-Shot and Beyond
Website: http://www.lsfsl.net/ws/
Paper Submission: July 26th
Notification: August 22nd
Workshop: October 27th AM, 2019, Seoul, Korea
Recent studies on zero-shot, one-shot, and few-shot learning have shown the effectiveness of collaboration between computer vision and natural language processing. This workshop promotes deeper and wider collaboration across many research fields to scale-up these studies. We call papers of the following topics for learning concepts (objects, actions, scenes etc) from various types of data.
* Few-/Low-/k-Shot Learning
* One-Shot Learning
* Zero-Shot Learning
* Cross-Domain Learning
* Meta Learning
* Scope of data: Image, Video, Text, Audio, and Sensor Data
Details: http://www.lsfsl.net/ws/
We welcome two types of submissions:
* Research Papers (4-8 pages excluding references, unpublished original research)
* Extended Abstracts (2 pages including references, preliminary work or published work)
All submissions should be anonymized, formatted according to the template of ICCV 2019.
Submission Page: https://cmt3.research.microsoft.com/MDALC2019
Cees G.M. Snoek
Professor, University of Amsterdam
==== ORGANIZERS ====
Nakamasa Inoue, Tokyo Institute of Technology
Hirokatsu Kataoka, AIST
Yoshitaka Ushiku, OMRON SINIC X Corporation
Yusuke Matsui, The University of Tokyo
Koichi Shinoda, Tokyo Institute of Technology
Shin'ichi Satoh, National Institute of Informatics
Benoit Huet, EURECOM
Chong-Wah Ngo, City University of Hong Kong
image メーリングリストの案内