[image 03646] CFP: ICCV Workshop on e-Heritage and Dunhuang Challenge 2019

oishi oishi @ cvl.iis.u-tokyo.ac.jp
2019年 7月 25日 (木) 00:39:48 JST





Dear all researchers,

The 3rd ICCV Workshop on e-Heritage and 1st Dunhuang Challenge 2019 will 
be held on 27th Oct. 2019 in Seoul, Korea. This is an invitation to 
submit papers to the workshop, which has currently an open call for 
papers. This is also an open invitation to participate in the 1st 
Dunhuang restoration challenge.

URL: http://www.eheritage-ws.org/
Date: 27th Oct. 2019, Seoul, Korea

Dunhuang challenge(site is now open):
   Challenge close:                  Aug.16, 2019
   Challenge result announcement:    Aug. 23, 2019

Regular paper session:
   Submission deadline:            July 29, 2019
   Acceptance notification:        Aug. 23, 2019
   Camera ready:                   Aug. 30, 2019

The focus of the workshop is e-Heritage (Electronic Cultural Heritage) 
involving Computer Vision techniques (topics are listed in the Call for 
papers of ICCV main conference. Interdisciplinary papers are strongly 
encouraged to keep wide scope in this research field.

Best regards,
**ICCV Workshop on e-Heritage 2019 Organizing Committee**

General chair:
   Katsushi Ikeuchi (Microsoft Research)
   Xudong Wang (Dunhuang Academy)

Program co-chairs for paper:
   Takeshi Masuda, Takeshi Oishi, Guillaume Caron,  Rei Kawakami, Shaodi You

Program co-chairs for competition:
   Shaodi You, Rei Kawakami, Tianxiu Yu, Jiawan Zhang

   Dunhuang Academy

image メーリングリストの案内